6: Seeking Emotional Stability.

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6: Seeking Emotional Stability.

I'd like to put up a sign that says, "Seeking emotional stability," not because I am attention hungry, but rather because I actually need some. If anyone knows the secret to emotional stability, please contact me. Seriously- how do you special ones do it? How can it be mastered? Is it even possible? Inquiring sociopaths want to know.

I'm sick of this emotional rollercoaster. I'd like to get off, now, thanks- can someone stop the ride? No, miss, I'm sorry. You're already strapped in, and you've left the loading dock. I can't just jump off now. The few people I've consulted have told me that something's definitely going on- my own mother suspects there's brain activity happening in that mind of his, even if his relaxed and bored expression didn't indicate that. I hope their intuition is spot-on, because mine sure isn't.

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