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Hey everyone,

This is a story that I made up as you can tell, so its completely orginal, of course there will be words in her that are unique to the Phoenix society that I've created that you won't know, so I'm going to try to clear that up as much as I can for you.

Gua- The Royal Guard

Gua of the Sh' may d'une 'do- Guard of the Second Prince

Fires- the Phoenix term for a year

Risings- the Phoenix term for a day

Flights- equivalent of human gangs

Beloved- Name for the Royal Family, stands for Beloved of Gaïa

Royal- the upper class of Nobility

Common- the lower class, or the working class

fledglings- the Phoenix term for children

Hope this clears things up for you

Fear filled her, as the cold settled in on the nearly desolate streets. Her once rich clothes mere rags now, as her thin face was covered in dirt. She ducked into an alley that she knew belonged to no flight, and crouched among the rubbish. Fear was an emotion that she had known before her banishment, but not experienced in its full. She had thought she knew a lot, that she was strong, that nothing could break her, that she had experienced some of the worst of life, but she was wrong. This was the worst, being without anyone, knowing no one cared for you, no one was there for you, that you were alone. The hunger, pain, cold were all she ever thought of. She had to pretend she was a boy, scrounge for food, find some kind of shelter, avoid the flights else be beaten, and avoid the Gua. Once she had been in one of the highest positions of the land, once she had had family, love, friends, a life that had been stolen by death, and they she fell, but when she had den banished she and truly fell.

Her thoughts were cut off as voices sounded in the alley. She curled in a ball, trying to make her pitiful frame as small as she could, pulling the ragged cloak further over her hair hiding its bright fiery color. She and been sure no flight had marked this alley as their territory, what a fool she was, she just hoped they didn't discover her here. If so, she hoped they didn't find out she was a girl, for it was bad to be on the streets a young boy, but even worse if you were a young girl, thank the Fires she hadn't started she moon cycles. 

"Naïai," a quiet familiar voice exclaimed. She stopped panicking and just stared at the wall, her ears straining to see if her name being called as a figment of her imagination or not. Then the voice called again,"Naïai." It was real, but she was distrustful of the voice, it was possible it was not him, and was the Gua come to punish her, her banishment had disgraced them, especially the Gua of the Sh' may d'une 'do, for she had been one of them, and they did not take disgrace well. 

She stayed hidden, unmoving, taking nearly silent half breaths, when the voice whispered, "Naïa." It was him. Relief overcame her fear, as she rolled out of her hiding spot and into her big brother's arms. His arms wrapped around her, as they both sank to their knees, Naïa engulfed in her big brother's safe arms. They both stood as he pushed her back a bit and looked her over, his expression grim. "What happened to you?" he asked as he touched a gash on her forehead from a beating she had gotten from the Rifkii Flight after stumbling into their territory 6 risings ago, the gash had still not healed.

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