Chapter 8

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Throughout the week, Kris watched the Nixes, but they acted like normal teens and she didn't see the knife again, so either they had superb acting skills or they weren't really Nixes, and it was just a figment of her imagination.

On Friday, Kris came home late from Anu's house, missing a party down on the East Side, to her dismay. She burst through the front door and yelled, "I'm home!" She walked towards the kitchen and saw everyone seated at the dining table, with Justin, Jak, and an older man. "Oh!" Amy glared at her, as her husband, Michael, Dorian, and Jael all snickered, and Sierra looked down as if she wished the world would just forget about her, as Ian clutched her hand as if 9 year old were his life support. Amy then smiled and said tersely,

"Kris this is Mr. Laskaris, his son Jak, and his nephew Justin, they all just moved in last week. Will, this is one of my other foster daughter's, Kristine." Jak raised an eyebrow, with a wide grin, she winced as Jak smirked wide, she was never going to live 'Kristine' down. Justin was watching her thoughtfully.

Kris broke gaze with him just as Jak said, "Kris, Jus, and I all met at school on Monday, she was a big help showing us around." Mentally Kris groaned, Jak was going to milk this. She took in deep breaths and smiled,

"Mr. Laskaris, Jak, Justin, its been a pleasure, let me change and I shall join thee shortly." She winced 'thee'? Really? Kris was out of practice talking formally without reverting into the proper diction of her youth. She turned and ran upstairs. Hows stupid could she be? She nearly blew it right there! If they had been on guard, they would have detected her immediately, she hoped they didn't grow suspicious.

She changed out of her school attire, and changed into a white flowing knee length dress, and a dusky gray cardigan, brushed her hair out and went downstairs.

Kris sat up straight and started to eat, when she realized everyone was looking her with surprise. She looked around to see everyone slouching slightly, half without napkins in their lap, and all the kids except for Jak, Justin, Jael, and her were holding their silverware wrong, and almost all the kids had their elbows on the table. Kris on the other hand had her napkin in her lap, and was gracefully cutting her food, exhibiting exemplary manners; she cursed herself mentally, how many more mistakes was she going to make? Mr. Laskaris smiled,

"You have wonderful manners much like Justin, if only my son could pick up some manners as well," he glared good naturedly at them, although they had near impeccable manners as well. She smiled bashfully, then decided to get a dig in at Jak,

"If only," they both laughed. Jak scowled at her, as Justin choked down laugh, hiding it in a coughing fit with his napkin.

Mr. Laskaris continued while smiling fondly, "When he was about 4, he used to grip his fork barbarian style and say, 'Daddy, I'm a warrior' , then he'd run around the house naked." Everyone burst out laughing, as Jak turned red, attempting to keep a straight face. Just then Michael, Kris's eldest brother, the Malend's biological son grinned,

"Thats a definite lady magnet. You should bring your dad to the club on Saturday."

Jak glared at him, and replied, "Funny Michael, and what about you Mr. Poopoo pants?" They all laughed, as the adults continued their conversation. Halfway into the dinner, Sierra tugged at my cardigan and whispered,

"Ian's tired, can we please be excused?" Her big brown eyes' were solemn and concerned. Kris softened, and got up,

"Alright, lets go get you two ready for bed."

"Where are you going?" Justin asked, looking at her thoughtfully again, with a hint of softness in his azure colored eyes', his curly brown hair framing his handsome features. He god damn hot, but Kris's motto was admire but don't get involved, not after Rei. She grew serious,

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