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The hospital was bubbling with life and this Monday was definitely a good one. Tony sat up in his chair as he arranged the files on his table. His secretary had done a good job though but he always took it as a point of duty to crosscheck and rearrange them again. His phone went alive and he picked immediately.

"Rich, what's up?" he asked as a way of greeting.

"Hey, Tony, Pa'le just call me now o, he wants me to come over", he said in a mixture of pidgin and English"

Tony laughed, "I don tell you say make you dey speak normal English, pidgin no sweet for your mouth", he said.

Richard laughed also, "Shey it is your mouth it sweet inside?"

Tony laughed again and instead of answering, he asked, "hope there is no problem with P-man o".

"I hope not, anyways, I just wanted you to make sure that the new psychologist, eeehm, Miss Belina, attends to Deji today", he said.

"Oh, ok, no prob. Say hello to Dad for me", Tony said and after some minutes he hung up and almost immediately, his intercom rang and when he picked it, his secretary informed him that Belina was waiting to see him. 'Just in time', Tony thought and told his secretary to let her in.

He checked out some files and when he heard a knock, he said, ''come in" as he pasted a friendly smile on his face. Immediately she stepped in, his smile froze and disappeared altogether as his eyes devoured her not able to believe she was the same person he had rescued three or rather two days ago. *****

I sighed inwardly obviously tired of receiving the numerous stares but instead of the problem to reduce, it seemed to be getting worse. I had sailed into the hospital premises and had been extremely amazed when I saw the massive building. I had heard of that hospital and how efficient they are but I never imagined something this big and I silently praised the owner of such a big investment. The security men had welcomed me so well that I felt they shouldn't do better when they are welcoming the GM. The stares I received from people almost made me trip so many times and I had to gather enough courage to walk past them without jittering. I raised my head up and walked glamorously into the hospital. After introducing myself at the reception, I had been directed to Tony's office and I was glad that I would finally be seeing a familiar face. After waiting for close to ten minutes with his personal secretary, I was let in and when I received the same 'check her out' stare from him again, I shuddered. I remembered the words of Prisca and laughed outwardly. Tony was brought back from his reverie and he was ashamed of himself because I saw the flush in his face. "I... I am sorry, it is just that you... you look very different from what I saw on ehm Friday, no, Saturday. You were very beautiful despite the condition but you look mind-blowing and my mind was blown away when you entered", he explained then pointed at a seat opposite him. I smiled and switched on my professional look as my face seemed to do no other thing other than smile. "You don't have to worry, Tony, I trust you and know you won't dare forsake my pretty friend", I said but it was more of a question because he laughed out and did the 'I cross my heart' thing. I didn't have to ask because I had known Tony and knew beyond doubt that he loves Prisca deeply; he just seemed to be born a flirt. "You would be safe with me but I cannot say the same for others", he said winking at me and I blushed slightly. The discussion was already moving to the area I did not fancy so I just said, "I think I can handle them".

He smiled and became professional within the twinkling of an eye. He handed over the employment letter since I hadn't taken it yet, "My secretary would show you to your office on the next floor. This floor is strictly for physical treatments and the next floor is for physical therapies, counseling and psychological aids. You would be in charge of the psychological aids department and you would be visiting the therapy department every Wednesday to have sessions with the depressed patients. You are to attend to one patient at a time and you are also to maintain a strictly professional affair with your patients. You would only work Mondays to Fridays and you are to resume work by 8am and close 5pm. You have a personal secretary to yourself and also have a large working area to aid your work. Your salary is already written in your employment letter, I can't tell you because I don't know what is there.

BELINA (Tender Beauty)Where stories live. Discover now