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Everything was silent and I am sure that even a pin would make the loudest noise if it mistakenly slipped from its place but even the furniture were holding their breath as we all stared at Prisca's father. After what seemed like eternity, I heard a strangled voice which brought me out of the cocoon which I found myself.

"Explain what I am hearing Francis. What is this man talking about?" she asked silently. He did not seem to hear at first and he looked far worse than an overcooked vegetable.

"I... I don't know what he is saying. What is the woman's name?" he asked facing my dad, I mean Ex-dad. I did not even give him the chance to answer. "Linda Terresa. Her name was Linda Terresa when she was young, she told me. You don't know her, right?" I said already on my feet and I did not know when I stood up. My legs threatened to give way beneath me when I saw his face turn white like someone who was face-to-face with the firing squad.

Prisca's mum flew up as if she was stung and yelled, "Francis... aaaahhhh..... What is this? You better open that mouth of yours and start explaining ooo. So, you have been sleeping with women right under my nose, ehn? Aaaaahh, God would judge you" she said, weeping profusely now.

I did not have any strength left in me and Prisca just stood also gawping like someone from another planet.

Mr. Badmus opened his mouth and said, "I am sor-" He did not get to finish his statement before his wife pounced on him like a dog would attack a bone after ten days of hunger.

I did not even move an inch, I just stared blankly and was only there bodily, I was actually in another realm. My life was just like a broken plate and the more I put the pieces together, the more stupid it becomes.

The tears just flowed without hindrance and I felt so useless. I heard the words of Prisca's mum who was in tears, behaving like a crazy person as if from a far distance.

We all stared at Prisca's father who was seated with his mouth agape, gawping at my Ex-dad. I looked at him and he gradually grew from a friend and a friend's father to a monster. Everyone's eyes were on him and finally after more than 15 mins of silence and tension, I heard Prisca's mum talk.

"What is going on here, Francis?" she asked her husband.

"I d... dont know", he said frozen to the spot then turned to my ex-dad,

"What is her name?" he asked. I did not give him a chance to reply when I said

"Linda, her name was Linda Terresa then". He gasped and looked like he would faint soon and I got my answer. I stood up slowly because my legs could not just carry me but I ensured that I was on my feet because the seat could no longer contain me; my tears were coming in torrents.

"So you are my f... father" I said shaking terribly. The entire room was in chaos and virtually everyone was standing except Mr. Jegas.

"You did not answer my question, Francis... I said, do you have anything to do with all these?" she asked charging forward towards her husband. He opened his mouth to say, 'I am sorry' but did not get to complete the statement because she got to him and started pummeling him and my former dad's efforts to separate them was almost futile.

I stood like a stick as I looked on while events unfolded before me. Everything was blurry because of my drenched eyes and I was shaking like a leaf on water. I felt Prisca's presence behind me and noticed that she hadn't spoken at all throughout the drama but I couldn't care less. Prisca's mum was shouting because she was deeply hurt and her dear husband did not have the audacity to tell her to calm down.

"Aaahhh Francis, after all I have been through with you, you did this to me...Oh God... So, you can keep this kind of secret of maybe 25 years from me. So because I gave birth to four boys, you went outside to look for a girl thinking I would not have one right? You are heartless. How many more are out there, ehn? How many?" She continued ranting and Prisca for the first time moved from her position and went to hold her mother tenderly and that was when I noticed that she was in tears. They cried together and I later found my voice.

BELINA (Tender Beauty)Where stories live. Discover now