Chapter 3

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The Blind-Man tavern was packed wall to wall with people and equipment. Roughly the size of a large barn, the first floor was reserved for barroom activities. Every stool at the bar was filled, some with more than one person. As per tavern rules, the balcony was empty, and the second floor was closed to customers for the night. Meetings were to be held downstairs and downstairs only. The Missus would toss anyone over the edge of the balcony if they tried to interrupt her girls on their night off. The balcony overlooked more than a dozen tables, booths and bar stools. Booths and tables had every extra chair set beside them.

The Missus was in her room choosing to sit out the meeting. Her husband Joel stood behind his bar eagerly awaiting the start. Jacob sat a table in the middle of the room next to him Peter leaned his chair back and propped his feet on the table. On their table was a pile of paperwork, a box of trinkets and junk, and their weapons. Jacob's revolver was holding down the paperwork, the gold flecks in the pearl inlay glittered in the dim lighting. Peter impatiently flipped his dagger. The blade was sharp and well kept, the handle had been worn down so it sat comfortably in either of Peter's hands. It was a simple knife about eight inches long, made more for stabbing than cutting. He watched as the minute hand struck six.

Unable to get up onto the table in his usual extravagant manner, Peter settled for standing on his chair. As soon as he was up he winced, his shoulder aching from the movement. The doctor shot him a disapproving look as the chatter in the room quieted down. All eyes turned to the center table. Jacob sat up straighter and pulled paperwork from under his gun. "Show time." Jacob whispered.

Peter grinned, this is what he'd been looking forward to all day. "Okay! Let's start the meeting before we're all too drunk!" The crowd all raised their glasses and cheered in response. Peter feed off attention, jumping at any chance to engage an audience. He planned schemes for the busiest times of day in the most public parts of town. The bigger the audience the bigger the thrill and reward.

"As you know our governor has done so much for this town. He graciously pays our salaries in exchange for our – humble – services." His voice carried through the tavern and Jacob passed the first set of papers up to him. Peter was a lot of things, humble wasn't one of them. "And you must ask yourselves as I often do after speaking with him, how in the world can I ever repay him?" A chuckle from the crowd encouraged Peter to continue.

Peter fought against the pain to stand on the table. "Well tomorrow is your chance! Tomorrow we break him out of prison! Yes, our loving and compassionate boss went and got himself arrested." Nothing brought people together like mutual hatred and humor.

Jacob grumbled from behind his glass. "Despite a foolproof plan..." Peter pushed Jacob's gun out of his reach. He had a habit of playing target practice when he drank. Joel had warned them that anymore bullet holes in the walls and they'd have to hold meetings elsewhere.

"If you don't have a copy of your part, Jacob has one for you." Peter nudged Jacob with his foot. Peter waved his free hand and he spoke, like the rest of the network he had several tattoos. When he raised his hand his wrist tattoo was visible. A pocket watch with the time set to a minute before twelve, it meant more to Peter than his prized knife. He'd gotten it inked moments after his first solo heist. It remained unfinished because he was arrested in the middle of getting it. "Once everyone has their part let's go over the plan to free the most generous and caring man I've ever know."

Jacob had finished passing out the paperwork and stood on a table on the opposite side of the bar room. His speaking skills weren't as fine tuned but Peter had made sure all he had to do was read off the paper and point at the right people. He cleared his throat and Peter gave him an encouraging nod. "Okay- uh, let's get started then. Tomorrow at five am-"

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