chapter 13

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I followed Negan back into the sanctuary and started to panic. If he was willing to wake up all of his saviors at this time of night, he meant business. And I was terrified for this Mark guy.

We headed into the sleeping quarters to wake up the saviors. I was startled when Negan began to bang on all of the doors, making the corridor shake from the impact. "Wake up you sorry shits! You've all got some fucking explaining to do!" Negan yelled with his signature smirk. This man has lost it.

Eventually a couple saviors stumbled out of their rooms and quickly woke up once they saw Negan's expression. They all dropped down to one knee and waited for the others to awake. Once they all had Negan escorted them to the cafe where Fat Joey was already waiting for us.

He had assembled the tables how they were earlier this evening. They were in a long row and with just enough seats for everyone. As everyone filed in all of the seats began to fill up. I followed Negan up to the head of the table where there was only 1 seat which was his designated spot.

Negan stepped infront of me and pulled out the chair. "Take a seat Tiger," he said with a smile as he gestured downward. I smiled back with blush as I sat down, not expecting the random act of kindness.

Once everyone was situated I noticed that there was a single chair not taken. And that was surely Marks. I glanced around to find that everyone was either nervously twitching, or had their head bowed in guilt. No one dared to fall back asleep because they knew their consequences. Only I did not and I wasn't trying to figure them out.

"Well well well," Negan began. He took in a deep breath and leaned down on the back of chair that I was sitting in. "So, where's Mark?" Instantly everyone's eyes diverted from Negan and went to something else. No one wanted to speak of what they knew and I didn't blame them. But this upset Negan more and he began to pace back and forth. "Okay, I'll just go one by one. And if anyone's lying, I most certainly will fucking know."

Negan then proceeded to point at each and every savior. All of them responded with an "I don't know anything sir," until it got to one guy. This guy looked like he hated the world and was absolutely done with everyone's shit. "I know something that may correspond with the situation," he said lazily.

"Well go on Gavin. Spill it," Negan said with a grin.

"Well last week I asked of Mark wanted to go with us to meet the Kingdom. He told me that he would be busy with special orders. I didn't think much of it but now it seems odd," Gavin admitted carelessly. He showed no regrets that he ratted out his fellow savior which was actually quite depressing. I'm sure the Mark guy would've trusted him.

"I've got something to add to that boss," Fat Joey spoke up. All eyes diverted to him and he swallowed nervously. "When you had ordered me to redirect that herd, Mark wasn't there. I meant to tell you but you already busy so I blew it off. I'm sorry boss." He bowed his head, scared for how Negan would respond.

Negan paused for a moment and pondered in the new found information. "Well would ya look at that. Looks like we've got our self a court date. You are all dismissed. But if I hear any of you speaking of this, I will personally shut you up, is that fucking clear?"

"Yes sir," the saviors said in unison as they all stood to go back to their rooms. I took a stand and looked back at Negan. Something inside me was hoping that he would take me back to my room. Or to talk to him for just another moment.

Negan met my gaze and walked back over to me. Once he reached me he draped and arm around my shoulder. "Would you mind if I escorted you back to your room? I mean, what kind if gentleman would I be if I didn't," he asked with his cheeky smile.

"Of course you can," I said as I automatically melted into his side. I needed to stop this. He's not right in the head. Hell, he smacks people around with a baseball bat wrapped in barb wire. And I'm slowly falling for hi- no. I am not.

As we made our way to my room and I tried to find all of the negatives with this man. This tall and handsome man that I couldn't get my mind off of.

"Here we are," Negan said once we reached my door. I felt a ping of sadness from knowing that he was going to leave. "I'll be back in the morning with someone who will show you around in the kitchen."

I couldn't help but glance down to his lips as he talked. And of fucking course he caught me. "Damn sweetheart! Now you're staring at my lips! If I didn't know any better I'd say that your next hobby would be attacking me," he said with a wink.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night," I said back with a smirk. My subconscious cheered me on from my sarcastic response.

Negan chuckled and leaned down closer to me. He looked down at his boots and then back up to me to make eye contact. "You may just be right Tiger," he said with a smirk and a hint of blush.

I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle from my internal swoon. This charming motherfucker. But, I just smiled up at him and slowly backed into my room. "Goodnight Negan."

"Goodnight Lily," he said as he turned to walk away. I couldn't help but watch as he walked down the hall. Only I caught him glancing back as he rounded the corner.

{ooooohhhh they're getting flirty ;) And what do you guys think will happen with Mark? Will Negan let him slid this time or will he be Lucilled?
And thank you to everyone who has been voting and commenting recently! It makes me really happy to see that feedback!}

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