Chapter 4

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                                                                         YOUR POV

After freaking out for about 15 minutes, all three of us went to eat lunch with Lydia and Allison. As I arrived, two pairs of arms engulfed me in a tight hug. I laughed and hugged the girls back.

"So do you believe us now?" Allison asked as she pulled away.

"Yes. But that doesn't mean I'm ok with the fact you kept it a secret" 

"I'm sorry we wanted to keep you safe..." Allison said frowning slightly

"I don't blame you, I'm just really freaked out right now." 

All three of us smiled until we heard a slight cough coming from behind me. I turned to see Stiles and Scott awkwardly standing there. 

"Let's just eat".

Everything was going okay until some guy not far dropped his fork against his plate which made an awful sound of course amplified by my 'powers'. Everything suddenly got louder, the munching, drinking, heart beats, and even a sigh coming from another student. I squeezed my eyes shot and tried concentrating on something, anything. 

Through all the noise, I found a heartbeat, calm and steady. I focused on it and slowly the noises around me faded and went back to normal. I felt my heartbeat slow and match it's rhythm, sighing as I went back to my lunch.

         Magical time skip

I have wanted to get on the lacrosse team ever since I arrived to Beacon Hills. I used to play at my old school and I truly missed it. 

Lucky for me, today were the tryouts. I figured a little werewolf powers couldn't hurt. 

I followed Scott and Stiles there. Even though they are already on the team, coach needed them. When I entered the locker room, I immediately hit someone's chest. Way to look smart. 

I looked up to a pair of blue eyes and a cocky smirk. He wasn't bad looking but not my type at all. Also, Lydia's ex.

"Watch out" I just stared at him and tried to get past without getting into trouble. 

"What are you doing here anyways love?" 

"Y/N. My name is Y/N. Not love" I imitated him "And I'm here for the tryouts so please get out of my way" 

He smirked "Well well well" 

"Are you going to say 'we got a feisty one' or 'make me' because I really don't have time for that so please get out of my way now." 

Scott and Stiles were still behind me, standing still and watching us. Jackson stared at me with a smirk then turned around and left 

"See you around. Y/N." 

I sighed, changed into my sports outfit and tied my hair into a high ponytail.

When I got on the field, I realised I was the only freaking girl trying to get on the team. I suddenly got the urge to back out but the embarrassment from that would be even bigger so I stayed. 

Coach asked me to play first as I was a new student and I suspected, the only girl. He didn't look very interested so I figured I couldn't really disappoint someone with low expectations. 

I adjusted my protection helmet and took the ball in my lacrosse stick. I passed the first guy, Stiles cheered a little, quickly cut off by coach's glare. He did look up a little as I passed the second one. Only two more. I ran towards them, shoved one out the way and passed the last one. Needless to say I scored. 

Claps and cheers came from Stiles and Scott, I smiled feeling proud. 

"YES! YOU GO GIRL" I heard Lydia from the stands. 

My smile got wider and coach made a sign to come and see him.

"Yes coach?" 

"Keep training and we'll see at the end of the trials if you're taken" He smiled a little but quickly put on his serious face back.

I smiled at myself and ran back to the boys. Scott was talking to someone, Isaac I think. 

"Hey!" I greeted them taking off my helmet and shaking my head trying to make me hair look better. What. First impressions are important.

"Y/N I didn't know you could play lacrosse!" Scott turned to me smiling.

"There's so much you don't know about me, I'm full of surprises" I teased.

He smiled and I noticed Isaac was still here, staring at me. 

"By the way, I'm Y/N." I extended my arm for a handshake but he just stared at me, no emotion coming through. Alright then. 

"Isaac." he said kind of coldly. 

I raised my eyebrows slightly and I turned to Scott who looked confused.

"Anyways... Where is Stiles?" He pointed to a figure trying to get through a human barrier and failing. I chuckled lightly.

"Looks like it's your turn Scott . Try beating me" 

"Fine. If I score, you have a dare. If I don't, I get one." He grinned

"You're on"

He put his helmet on, getting ready to run. Coach whistled and he went off. 

I watched his every move and I had to admit he was pretty good but I didn't want to lose this. He finally managed to score, I sighed. 


 I saw Allison cheering. Just date already. Scott came to me with a proud grin 

"Fine... What's the dare?" 

"I don't know yet. Come at my place tonight with the girls and we'll see" 

"Are you asking so that Allison comes?" I asked with a devilish grin and he became red 

"N-no. Not that I don't want her to come, I do... No! Not this way... I mean.. Y-yeah sure she should come." he stuttered obviously blushing and getting embarrassed. This is really fun.

                                                                           Scott's POV

"Isn't tonight the full moon?" Isaac quickly asked after we made sure Y/N couldn't hear anything.

"Yeah it is, but Allison knows Y/N and she said she wouldn't come if I had told her." He nodded.

"But you still invited Allison and Lydia" he said smirking. 

"W-well that would have seemed... weird if I only invited her over.. I-I mean she would have thought maybe I liked her. Not that I don't, as a friend" 

"You like Allison" 

"No haha. No no no. Well actually.. yes. Is it that obvious?" Isaac chuckled 

"Very obvious I'm afraid." 

"Whatever" I mumbled "just meet me with Stiles and the girls after changing". 

Well, tonight was going to be interesting. 

A/N: Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoy it so far! Sorry if it's a bit boring for now but it will get better. Please leave a comment or vote if you liked it <3

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