Chapter Two

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 I headed home after school with Autumn who, had something interesting to say. "You heard about the market, right?" Autumn asked me.

"Nope, but I heard someone say something about it," I answer, looking at the sidewalk.

"Well, so well the markets been robbed and strangely enough there was no evidence of who stole the food. The police are working on it for the whole day but they can't find any evidence. Plus the robber only robbed oranges, which is weird," she explained.

"But who stole it?" I said, I wasn't listening but I still catched the words "Markets" and "Robbed".

"I told you that the police didn't find any evidence, how are they supposed to know who robbed the markets?" I seemed to listen this time.

"Wait, what happened again?" I ask.

"The markets have been robbed and the police can't find any evidence of who robbed the markets, and the robber only robbed oranges." she said, annoyed that I didn't listen. We continued on, looking straight ahead for our street.

"Why would someone only rob oranges?" I mutter, but apparently Autumn heard me mutter.

"I guess it is strange, but still, you can't argue that it's even more strange that the robber didn't leave any evidence."

"Well thank you Autumn I didn't mean for you to hear that," I thought to myself.

She turned to me, her face scrunched up in anger.

"Next time listen."

"I will, Autumn."

"Okay, okay... But you've promised before!"

"Of course I have! You're so stubborn I have to!"

She turned again, this time to the road.

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