Scene One

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Beginning Credits- No noise except for the song playing. Stereotypical unpacking-car scene. The scene flashes in-between the present and the black and white picture of the past as the credits roll across the scene. A family gets out suitcases out of the car, two small children and parents. A large Victorian style home towers behind their small Volkswagen Beetle as they take armfuls of travel packed bags into the house. The door swings open and they switch the light on, going from the black and white scene to color, the music fading out and leaving it in the present. The house is grand, as you would imagine an old style house.

You hear the sound of a phone ringing as one of the parents picks it up off camera as we see the camera moving to where they are talking, as if it was from the point of view of a ghost.

Parent 1- Hey mom... we got here fine, no traffic... okay, I will tell them... I love you too, Mom, talk to you later... bye.

P2 - How is she, honey?

P1- She just got out of hospital, told us to take care of ourselves and stop worrying about her, of course. She thinks we are going to be magically transformed by this grand old thing.

P2- Wouldn't that be something...

The two lean in for a quick peck and P1 goes to check on the two children up the stairs, the children settling into a large room with two twin beds and suitcases strewn across the floor. The camera follows the parent upstairs in a ghostly manner, once again.

The children are playing peacefully on the floor, toys scattered around them. P1 stands at the doorway and knocks on the door reluctantly. The twins look up quickly from their toys to P1 .

P1- Hey, dears. How are you settling in?

The twins are now sitting attentively, smiles across their faces as they look truly joyful being in the old house, almost like they fit in with their surroundings. A flash of black and white old-style video comes across the screen, not mentioned in the movie...

T1- We're doing just fine, thank you, mommy.

T2- Thank you for taking us here, mommy!

P1 walks back downstairs, her feet falling heavily as one single tear rolls down her face to be quickly wiped away. She checks her phone, quickly putting it down as she sees P2 and a fake smile plastered across her face.

P2- Are you alright?

P1- Of course...

A quick movement of the scene is shown as we see their backs, her phone on the "Call mom" screen.

The scene changes as we proceed into the first night of staying. The family is placed around an ancient fireplace, the twins playing with dolls on the floor, P1 is reading a horror novel and P2 is not in the room until they enter with hot cocoa for the family, placing themselves in the chair opposite of P1, picking up an old newspaper and flipping through. It is quiet except for the sound of the twins playing on the ground. Suddenly, there is a startling crash from upstairs that makes P2 put down the newspaper, the twins looking at their parents in fright, P1 comforting them.

P2- Don't you worry, it was just the wind. You know how old houses are... (The doubt is heard in her voice and small hints of worry show on her face.) The family goes back to reading and playing reluctantly, the camera moves to the main entrance where a large window is, the camera zooming in on the outdoors as we see a handprint appear as the wind moves the darkness of the trees, the handprint disappearing with the wind. We move from that scene to the twins being put to bed in their room. P2 is with them, P1 off screen.

Just The Wind---- ScriptWhere stories live. Discover now