First Day

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          Today was my first day back at high school.  I had been the quite kid sitting in the back of the classroom back when I was a freshman, now I'm a junior.  This year isn't how I've wanted it to go so far, reason being because my mom died at the beginning of the year when she was diagnosed with cancer.  I didn't think she was gonna make it anyways because of how damaged she had been, but besides that point, I get to live by myself.  With only my cats Theresa who is a black long haired cat with some white stripes and Lily who is a burgundy short haired cat with a sassy attitude!  Anyways back to my first day back to high school, everyone had worn something fancy, which made me upset because I didn't have anything fancy to wear.  I wore ripped jeans and had a T-Shirt on with the name "Twenty-One Pilots" on it, because it's one of my favorite bands.  As soon as I woke up this morning and got ready, I headed to the bus stop, which obviously there were a lot of kids.  I silently stood there for about 10 minutes until I heard someone calling my name.  "ALICE! ALICE!" I turned around to see my best friend Paris running towards me as I waved and waited for her.  She finally arrived next to me panting "You okay?" I asked her in my Irish accent.  She finally caught her breathe then looked up and hugged me so tight I could hardly breathe, I didn't know she got stronger over the break.  "Oh... My gosh, Alice I haven't seen you in like, forever!" She said so happily as I giggled "yeah, well I had a lot of things happen over the break, so I wasn't wanting to get out much..." I sighed as she Made me look at her "Tell....Me....Everything!" She said slowly as I started telling her about what I did for the first few weeks, then the bus arrived as we got on and I told her about my mom.  "Oh...I'm sorry to hear that!" She hugged me as the bus stopped again and a guy had gotten on as he stood next to our seat.
                                     "Hey, Paris!" He said as she turned around and hugged him "Alice, this is my boyfriend, Kendal.....Kendal, this is my old best friend Alice!" Me and him shyly shook hands as I told Paris I would move so they could chat.  I just realized I had lost my best friend as well, everyone was good at doing that to me, abandoning me.  I moved to the back of the bus that would fit 4 people but there were only a few kids riding this specific bus, most kids where scared because there were jocks on this bus.  When the bus finally arrived at school, I stood up and started walking until a guy stood up and pushed me down "Hey! Watch where your going!" He said then laughed with his buddies as they walked off and I waited to get off, needless to say I was the last one off.  I had 20 minutes left still before school had began so I just went to go find my first period, I had my schedule in one of my hands and a bunch of books in the other.  I was looking at my schedule trying to figure out where to go, until I bumped into someone and I dropped all my books and the papers in my books fell out.  I looked up "I'm so sorry!" He said as he started picking up my papers as I picked up my books "it's ok!" I said keeping my Irish accent, he stood up and looked at me and handed me my papers "I really like your accent" he said scratching the back of his neck "t-thanks...I-I'm Alice..." I said awkwardly as his expression lit up "Oh, I'm Ed! Ed Thomas!" He bowed and joked "at your service, princess Alice" I blushed as I giggled and he stood back up and started chuckling.  This guy seemed nice, maybe I could get some help from him! "Um, so what grade are you in?" I asked -Dang it that's not what I wanted to ask!-.  "Oh, I'm a junior, I know this school pretty well because my dad works here as a coach, so..." he said as I smiled and asked "do you know where room #405 is, for Mr. Sool, Math?" He smiled at me "is that your first period?!" He asked surprised as I nodded and showed him my schedule.  "Wow, you have all the same classes as me!" He said as my face lit up as I smiled "That's Great!" He nodded as he led me to the room.
                                          I walked into the classroom with Ed as we were talking about each other and how our breaks were, surprisingly I even told him about my mother and how I'm living by myself.  At first he was shocked but then smiled, he was a good listener as well which made me like him more -do I have a crush on him?- I thought in my mind.  The warning bell rang which made students burst into class as I made sure to choose a seat in the very back as Ed sat next to me.  I blushed as I took out my phone as I saw I got a notification for my YouTube that I had gotten another subscriber.  I smiled as I took out a composition book as the teacher came in with math textbooks and agendas for each student, I actually liked this math teacher because he showed us how to do the math we were learning in an easy way.  But I still wonder if Ed still likes me or not, of course I paid attention in class but I wanted to know whether he liked me or not, I guess I would have to find out later on, anyways the day isn't even half over yet.  I finally had finished Math, Next it was onto English which was one of my favorite subjects because all the English teachers at this school knew I loved to write, so they would let me write a story instead of letting me do the work.  I was glad at least some people liked me at this school, otherwise I would have been lonely and not able to do anything.  For the story I wrote was about a special girl who had powers to teleport with at least one person, but it had to be the person she loved.  The teacher gave it an A++ and I was happy, but I still was curious about Ed, which I still wanted to know what he thought of me.
                    My next period with Ed was Social Studies which he told me was his favorite subject because of all the cool weapons they used back then, he even told me that when he was little he tried to build things like they did which I thought was pretty cute and cool.  I walked in as the teacher walked over and gave Ed some supplies to build something, I guess she wanted to see if he could build a similar weapon to what they used in war, but like a mini version.  As he was working on the build I had to write 3 things about the weapons they used.  Soon after the period ended, it was Lunch, which Surprise, Surprise! I forgot my lunch at home.  My mom would always remind me to bring it but now that she's not, I have to start remembering myself.  Ed had sat next to me "Where's your lunch?" He asked picking up an Apple and taking a bite.  "I left it at home, and I don't have lunch money for here either..." I looked at the table as my stomach started rumbling.  He looked at me and passed some mashed potatoes towards me, I looked at it then at him "is this....for me?" I asked him confused, he nodded as I took them and started eating and smiled.  I got a glimpse of him smiling at me "So, where are you staying?" He asked me as I slowly stopped eating, "um....apartment....but I'm gonna get kicked out soon, so" I said saddened as I set my fork down.  As much as I loved mashed potatoes I couldn't eat any more, he looked at me then thought for a bit "Maybe you could live with me!" He said excited as I looked at him and asked "what do you mean?" "My dad would be fine with it! Plus we could work on projects together!" I smiled and thought -would this really be okay?- I didn't know for sure, but I was gonna find out.  As the day went by school had finally ended, I had to stay after  last class which was P.E., Ed had stayed back as well to wait for me.  I had to wait for the P.E. teacher until "Hey look! It's Ms. Nerdy Girl!" A guy said, I noticed him from last year because he got into a lot of fights.  I sat there silent as I looked at Ed "Who's this, Faggot?" His friend said as I stood up and look at tundra (the guy who spoke first) "You can bully me....but you can't bully my friends!" I said as I slapped him across the face leaving a big red mark as his friends scoffed off "see you later, pussy!" Tundra had whispered as I sat back down and the P.E. teacher finally let me go.  Ed had showed me to his dad's car.
                         "Hi Sir!" I said in my Irish accent, Ed had introduced me to his father and talked about me living with them.  His dad said it was okay because of the projects and how I was such a pretty girl that would fit his type, obviously being a little kid I giggled at his dad embarrassing him.  We finally arrived at his house which caught my breathe as I walked into the house, the kitchen was so big! I was amazed as Ed had shown me where I would be sleeping which was in the guest bedroom.  It looked so cozy as I set some thing's on the bed that his dad let me get from my apartment, especially my fur babies.  I was finally settled in and relaxed.  I couldn't wait for the next day!

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