Into the Well

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Authors note
I do not own inuyasha or any of the others in his gang or none of the others. I don't own anyone in this story I hope that you guys like the story and feel like you guys are there in real life. I will appreciate your comments to help me make my future story's to come be even better. I hope you enjoy now into the story.

It was a nice sunny day outside. Mom, Sota, grandpa and you were waiting for Kagome to come home after being away for weeks. Grandpa told me I had to clean to clean the shrine why couldn't Sota do it today I had to do it everyday for the past week ugh.. oh well I can live with it grandpa said once I was done cleaning the shrine he had something special for me for my seventh birthday today.
"(Y/n) hurry up its time for supper" you started to put everything away when a strange light came out of the well. Is that Kagome?! I hope it is she said she would be back for my birthday after all . " Kagome is that you hurry up out of the well and come on." You started to run out of the shrine then something no someone grabbed your leg. "Wha...... ahhhhhhh." Before you knew what was happening you were  pulled into the well! You squeezed your eyes shut and you prepared yourself to hit the hard ground but instead you felt like you were floating. You opened one eye and saw that you were sitting at the bottom of the well. Huh I must have fallen into the well. "Sota, mom, grandpa are you there." Hmm strange oh well I guess I will go the hard way out. You started to climb your way out of the well. You peeked your head out of the well but you didn't see the normal walls around instead you saw trees and flowers you saw everything you didn't expect to see. When you got out of the well your (h/c) hair was blown from your face. Then out of no where out came this strange man. He was wearing all red he had silver hair and he had strangest of all dog ears. Wait who is that guy and where am I. This is not Tokyo. Is this where Kagome goes all the time? " girl what are you doing in the bone eaters well?"
"Ummm... I don't know." Before you knew it he picked you up out of the well and we heading toward a small village.

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