Chapter 7

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Abby POV

Greene and I decided it would be best if we both went into the interrogation room to talk with Blake. He walked in first and then I right after. Blake smirked at us, "Well, look whose back." Greene cut him off "Your staying on the team. You don't have a choice." He rolled his eyes, "Fine, but can I make one call." Greene nodded, "Just one and it will be recorded." I stood quietly in the corner as Greene continued, "And I swear, if you cross us in anyway, your ass is going to be put in prison for terrorism." Blake said, "Okay. Okay. I promise I won't piss you guys off... When do we start?" I moved in, "Now. You are getting a device into your neck so whatever you do and where ever you are we will know. Also, you are going back into training to see your real skill this time. We need to know what you can offer the team." Greene waved down two under ranking men to take him out of the room to get him ready for the rest of the day.

Greene POV

I have been watching Blake all day. Blake has to be re-inducted with all the new recruits like Nicole and Kayla. He seems in perfect shape and ready to kick some ass. I do really hate him for bringing his asshole self to the agency, but he does have the skill we are looking for. Abby is getting ready to give them their new uniforms as they are welcomed in or welcomed back into the agency. I hope she is prepared to hand Blake his uniform. I went and turned in all of the recruits paper work and went to Blake to give him his one phone call.


Later, the ceremony occurred. Abby gave the new recruits and Blake their uniforms. After the ceremony, Blake and Nicole came up to me. I congratulated them and started watching Blake. He looked like he was looking for someone. All the sudden I hear, "Blake!" Someone jumped on his back and he swung them around. After they dismounted Blake I noticed that it was Kayla. She gave him a kiss and said, "Congratulations, babe!" She looked at me, I was still a bit pissed at the fact that he did all this non-sense to Abby, but he has to continue on his life. I shook her hand as she addressed me, then she clung onto Blake as tightly as she could.

Next thing I know is that Nicole is hitting my arm trying to get my attention. Of course, she was trying to warn me as Abby started coming towards us. I hit Blake, "At least depart from each other while she is around please." He nodded and let go of her. It is enough already that she lost someone she loved so she doesn't need them doing shit in front of her.

Abby faked a smile and congratulated the couple. Blake thanked her and then she walked towards Nicole and I. I had to get her out of her own head. Before I could say anything, Nicole said, "Hey Abby! I need some help with the computers. Something is going wrong." She ran quickly behind Nicole and I went back to Blake and Kayla. I stared them down, "One of these days, you all are going to be hit so hard in the face with reality that you're going to see all the pain you caused people." They stayed quiet, shocked. I walked away and continued to the computer room.

By the time I got there, the room was in shambles. Some of the computers were even hanging by the wires while sparks flew across the room. I called it in, "Red alert! We have been located and caught! Repeat. We have been located and caught!" I realized that someone else was missing. Fuck. Abby and Nicole are gone. I ran through the whole building yelling for them, but they were nowhere to be found. 

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