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Let's just go to the beach," I say. Then as we turn, I see a familiar face.
"Hey Devon!" I say.
"Hey Cat!" He replies.
"What're you doing here?" I ask.
"I'm just visiting some family. What about you?" He asks me.
"Well, I actually live here now," I say.
"Really? Your mom never mentioned anything to my mom." He says.
"Well not my parents. Only me and, I live with them now," I say, pointing my thumb back to Jake and the others.
"That's so cool!" he exclaims. Aj walks up next to me.
"So, who's this?" He asks.
"Aj this is Devon, my mom's coworker's son. Devon, this is Aj. He lives in the same house as me," I introduce.
"Nice to meet you," Devon says as he holds out his hand. Aj reluctantly takes it. Then, we all head to the beach. The boys (except Jake who's setting up the blankets) run straight into the water.
"Hey Jake," Alissa says to him. (Idc about the whole situation with them. I'm still typing as if nothing happened. *she said stubbornly)
"Yeah?" He asks.
"Could Cat stay in me and Tessa's room? I think it would make more sense if the girls stayed together," Alissa says.
"Sure. As long as I don't have to do any of the packing," he says.
"Got it," Alissa and Tessa say.
"We're gonna be roomies!" Tessa squeals.
"Where are we gonna stay?" Faith asks. Not in a rude snobby way, but in a nice, curious way.
"With us, of course! It's gonna be like one big sleepover," Alissa says.
"Awesome," I say. Devon comes running to us.
"Come on guys! The water's amazing!!" He shouts to us.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going in," I say.
"We'll meet you in a bit," Gillian shouts to me as I run towards Devon.
"Let's go," I say. He nods and we start walking towards the blue, glistening water. The waves are huge. Well, the bigger the wave, the more fun.
"Come on Cat!" Alex shouts out to me. I smile right before running into the water and diving into a wave. I swim up to where all the boys were and start looking around.
"Where's Aj?" I ask. Then suddenly, arms wrap around my waist and I'm no longer on the floor. I start laughing like crazy.
"You scared the life out of me!" I say.
"Mission accomplished," He says. We all just have fun with the water; splashing each other, pretending to drown one another, looking for seashells, (fun fact: I was collecting seashells (I have a collection) with my cousin and she found a real shark's tooth)
and just basically swimming around. Eventually, we watch as the sun starts to set and twilight creeps upon us. I head to the car as Devon runs to catch up with me.
"Hey Cat, you wanna hang out tomorrow? We need to catch up on a bunch of stuff," he says.
"Of course. I'll text you," I reply. He nods and runs a separate direction. We all head back home. Gillian, Faith, Alissa, Tessa, and I all start packing up our stuff and moving to the girls room. it's officially the girls' room. We made a sign and everything.
It's basically a piece of white copy paper with 'Girls' room' scribbled across it in black sharpie and its taped on the wall. We all relax on Alissa's big bed.
"So, what's going on with you and Aj?" Alissa asks me.
"What?? Me? Aj? Pshhhh...nothing," I deny.
"Yeah, right. Your voice just shot three octaves higher. You're lying," Tessa insists.
"Spill it," Alissa demands. The girls lean in and listen intently.
"Fine, I like him. He doesn't like me back. There's no big deal about it," I say.
"WHAT?! IT'S A HUGE DEAL!!" Faith shouts.
"Thanks for keeping it on the down low," I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Sorry," She sheepishly says. Jake runs in, frying pan in hand.
"I heard screaming!!!" He says, looking around the room.
"It was just Faith," Gillian explains.
"Was this just an excuse to look around our room? A girl's room?" Alissa asks.
"I'm Jake Paul and I have a problem," he jokingly admits. (WHO GOT THAT BOY MEETS WORLD REFERENCE?!)
"Now, get out," Tessa says. He walks out and closes the door behind him.
"So anyways, you like him?" Gillian asks. I nod.
"But there's no way he could like me back," I say.
"Alright. Well, it's getting pretty late. We should sleep," Faith says. We nod and head to our beds. Then we fall asleep.
The next morning, we wake up and do our morning routines. I get ready to meet up with Devon.
"Where you goin?" Aj asks.
"I'm gonna go hang out with Devon," I reply.
"'re going out with Devon?" He asks.
"Yup," I reply. Then I see the look on his face.
"Not going out out. But just hanging out. As friends," I say.
"Oh, okay," he says, getting happier.
"Alright, I'll see you later," I say. Then I walk out of the house and head to the place me and Devon were meeting. I spot him.
"Hey," I say.
"Hey yourself," he smiles.
"Where you wanna go?" I ask.
"Maybe to a cafe? We could catch up there," Devon suggests.
"Sure, let's go," I say. We both walk to a cafe and order our food. Then we sit down.
"So, you're living with those guys now?" He asks.
"'Those guys' happen to be famous Internet stars," I say.
"Ohhh," he replies.
"Yeah. They saw my covers on Instagram and recruited me. Now I'm a part of team 10," I explain to him.
"That is so cool!" He says.
"I know right? And I get to live away from my parents. Not that I don't love them, but getting to have all that responsibility shows that they really trust me," I say.
"Oh, sorry I'm babbling. What're you up to?" I ask.
"Well, nothing as exciting as that," he says.
"Just tell me," I say as I slightly laugh.
"Well, I made the football team," he says.
"Oh that's so cool!" I say.
"Yeah. I'm the quarterback," he says.
"Awesome!" I say. I actually never described him. He has short blonde hair, green and blue eyes mixed together, and pale skin. He's the nice, smart-jock type. He's awesome to hang around.
Eventually, the day is almost over and I head back. I walk in and the first person is Aj.
"Hey, Aj," I say.
" was your date?" He asks. I give him a weird look.
"It wasn't a date," I say.
"Oh yeah. You said it wasn't a date," he says.
"Why are you acting all funny?" I ask.
"Pshh I'm not acting funny. You are!" He says right before he dashes into his room. I just walk up to the girls' room.
"What happened while I was gone? Aj is acting very weird," I say to Alissa and Tessa. (Faith and Gillian went with Jake to get lunch)
"Alex convinced him it was a date," Alissa laughs.
"It wasn't. And besides, why would he care if it's a date or not," I tell her as I laugh a little.
"I don't know. I think he likes you," Tessa says.
"I don't think so," I deny, as blood rushes to my cheeks.
"Oooooh Aj and Catarina sitting in a tree!" Alissa teases.
"K- I- S- S- I- N- G," Tessa finishes.
"You two are just like Jake," I say as I roll my eyes. Then I hear the door open downstairs.
"WE'RE HOME!!!" Jake yells.
"And we got food!" Emilio yells.
"Ooh! Food!" Tessa squeals.
"Let's go down and eat," I say. We all sit at the counter and eat our hamburgers. I get a text on my phone.
Devon: hey! Had fun hanging with you. Wanna hang tmrw?
Me: sure!
Devon: awesome! Hope you like ice cream
Me: gee I wonder what we're doing.
Devon: yeah I wonder too
Me: haha
I smile to myself.
".......So what do you think, Cat?" I hear Jake ask me.
"Huh, what?" I ask.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go to Illinois so we can help you pack," Jake says.
"Oh sure! That'd be awesome! When are we leaving?" I ask excitedly.
"Tomorrow?" He asks.
"No, not tomorrow," I say.
"Why? What're your plans?" Aj asks.
"I'm hanging out with Devon tomorrow," I say.
"Oh.....hanging out.....again?" He asks.
"Yeah, is that alright?" I ask.
"Well....actually I already kinda bought the tickets," Jake says.
"Then why did you ask?" Alissa asks him.
"It's polite to ask," He replies. I laugh and roll my eyes.
"Yeah, I'll just text Devon," I say.
Me: I'm so sorry but I have to take a rain check! I'm going back to Illinois to get all my stuff tomorrow
Devon: oh...that's alright.
"Alright, we're good to go," I say.
"So we should start packing for Illinois," Jake says.
"It's ironic. I'm packing to go to Illinois so I can pack," I say.
"That's funny," Ivan says. Then we all go pack and get a good night's sleep.
Here's a short author's not:
Okay bye!! Hope you loved it! Love ya! Peace✌🏻!

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