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OMG frickin 110 reads you guys are so amazing!! Also sorry for no updates for actually way too long I've been insanely busy with school and life and procrastination.


I wake up to the sound of my door closing with a snap. Regulus leaving my room quietly as to not wake up my mother. Not that she would be mad at him, not that she's ever been mad at him before. 

Sighing I stand up, walk to the mirror and try to sort out my mess of hair. I'm not like Prongs, he can pull off the "I just stepped off my broomstick" I have to spend half an hour gently gelling and combing my hair to make it look natural and good. Otherwise I look like a dog, which Moony is always telling me to relax and that no one is gonna care, but I mean... I've already got so much going against me in Gryffindor.

Splashing cold water against my face I squint around for my toothbrush and toothpaste. Prongs always laughs at me for brushing my teeth four times a day. I just like having the minty taste in my mouth and feeling clean.

I walk back and stare at the calendar counting down the days. Only two more days. I can hardly breathe when I think about going back. Thoughts whir throughout my head James flirting with Lily for the hundredth time and Moony staring very intensely at his book until James gives it up. Wormtail laughing a little bit too hard at James's jokes. Moony doing his little snort that somehow makes him more him. Planning our adventures into Hogsmeade and making jokes about Moony's furry little secret.

I pick up the mirror that connects me with James, and whisper his name. I don't know why I whisper. I feel every nerve in my body contract as the mirror stays it's glassy reflective surface. Unsure why I feel the need to whisper his name because I already know he isn't there I say "Remus Lupin" a little bit louder than before. The mirror stays just as reflective showing my very disappointed face. Chucking it onto my bed I turn and stare at my picture of a motorcycle I charmed. It reminds me of the muggle studies project I did with Moony. Smiling I allow myself to go back in time to the memory.

"Moony!" I shout over the hustle and bustle of our muggle studies classroom. Everyone moving around and summoning their friends the moment Professor Baggard said we could choose our partners. He glances up at me from his pile of notes and smiles beckoning me over. I normally would force him to come over to me, but something about him forces me over. 

"Any idea of what we're gonna work on?" I ask as our class finally starts to settle down. 

"No, that's your job. And we aren't partners just yet. I have to make sure you will do the work." I stare at him laughing but he isn't joking.

"Fine, I'll come up with something" I say flicking through our very large and heavy textbook. Suddenly something catches my eye. I point at the motorcycle and Moony smiles and does his snort thing. 

"Is it not good enough?" I ask feeling a little dejected. "No, it's perfect" I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

"Moony..." I whisper as I flop onto the bed next to the mirror. 

"Pads!" Moony's terrified voice answers filling up all the silence in my drafty room.

"Moony! Why are you at James's?" I ask pulling the mirror up to eye level and staring at him. Tears leak from his hazel eyes and bandages pull away to reveal a new very fresh, very prominent scar. 

"I- I-..." His voice trails off and I stare at him as he sits on James's checkered quilt. His eyes are empty of the usual

"It's ok. I'm coming."

"What?!" He looks startled at how easily I invite myself over to Prongs's house.

"It's fine, I'll be there in a couple minutes I'm packed anyway. See you in a few." I smile at him but he shouts "Wait! I promise I won't make any noise but can you keep the mirrors connected?" I nod and shove it into my back pocket walking down to face my parents.

They were surprisingly ok with me leaving although I'm sure they were excited to have some alone time with their "better" son. I nod at Regulus who stares at me in hurt disbelief as I throw some floo powder into the fireplace and disappear from the dark dining hall for what I wish would be the last time.

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