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And why again!
We go through so much things in our life, it takes up our time.
We play around we mess up and we do things we know is wrong and yes we may get in trouble by our parents and yes we may learn from it. But does that make u not do it again or do something else that will get us into trouble?
    If u was to ask me we all need to grow up and stop being childish. Now I'm not talking only about us teenagers but parents do it to adults do it too. Fathers that don't really give a damn do it, mothers that don't want to be there do it. So why are we going in the direction where everyone else is. We all don't have to do the same thing as each other to "fit in." Be yourself.  Don't be the childish one that doesn't go anywhere in life. Be the person that over achieves. Be the one that isn't working at McDonald's at 18 with a child on the way. Be the one that's planning on college and be the person that knows what they want in life. Show who u are and not the childish person U could be.

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