What happens in Neverland...

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"I don't do rum..." I snarled at the handless wonder and passed by him only to watch the Charming's display excessive amounts of PDA. I groaned and turned back, snatched the bottle from the pirate and started to down it all in one go.
"Well then, your Majesty..." Hook shrugged and looked at Emma who shrugged as well. I threw the bottle back to the man and grabbed the blonde by the wrist, storming off into the jungle with the woman in tow.

After spending a week with the smooching and dooey eyed Charming's, I had quite about enough of their endless rainbow kisses and hope speeches. Especially now Captain Guyliner had joined the party, who's eyes never left Emma Swan's ass, I was going to give them all something to talk about.

"Regina, what are you doing?!" Emma complained and I turned to her.
"I've had it up till here," I held my hand above my head. "with all your parents' smooching and Guyliner's idiot brain. We're still NO closer to finding Henry, I haven't had a shower since we got here. I'm sweating, I smell, we haven't seen any decent food in a week, my back hurts and I'm DONE." I ranted to the woman.
"So..." Emma bit her lip. "What do you want me to do about it, your Majesty?" She said sarcastically and I groaned, lunging forward and kissing her deeply. I grabbed her by her tank top, pulling her closer and holding her in place. After a while I pulled back and sighed.

"If you are sexually frustrated, you could have just said so." Emma smirked widely. I gasped.
"Miss Swan! If you think..." Emma shut me up with another kiss and slid her hands over my ass, kneading it as she lifted me against her thigh. I let out a moan which thankfully got muffled by the kiss. I slid my hands into the blonde hair and fisted it tightly while rubbing myself up against the woman's body. 


After we were gone for about an hour, I returned back to the camp where the rest of the 'party' was, still adjusting my clothes since half of them were shed before. Emma followed close behind me.
"Where did you go?" Snow asked and frowned a little. I put my hands on my hips and smirked at her.
"At least when I go around kissing people, I don't do it in front of everyone." I quipped and gave a meaningful look to Emma before sitting down.

"Wait, what...? Emma... is that lipstick on your neck?"
"There is a whole lot more than lipstick there Snow, I can promise you that." I grinned and crossed my legs. 

See how they like it now.

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