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I've been spending time at iacon and on the "world wide web" for research on Optimus prime.

In other universes optimus prime is known for bravery, courage, and strength.

In my universe however...

Optimus prime is known for terror, torture and chaos.

In other universes I- or rather optimus, lost his memories and by the help of a human he returned to normal.

I do not think I wish to do the same. I do not want to return as a prime.

I do not want to hurt anyone else just like history has recorded him to be.

My theory is that if I, Orion, return to be him, optimus, then he'll return to his war lord like state. He'll bring another war to cybertron.

And if not....

He'll do it anyway.

So there could be a ninety-nine percent chance that he's going to bring war and chaos along with many lives taken. Human and cybertronian.

That one percent is the last hope. If he returns he'll be like before. Before I appeared.

And I do not want to take any chances and bring another war to cybertron.

So I've decided.....

I'm going to stay as Orion pax.

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