And then the world came crashing down...
One look at the gun towards her parents and she knew;
The tigress within her had to awaken
For too long had she been shaken
By everything that had been happening
But no more would she be used
For now her actions would leave people bemused.Beware! A woman on mission can do more damage than any weapons would ever do.
Richa's pov:
I stood there speechless staring at the computer screens with my thoughts running in full speed. Lately my life had seriously become a roller coaster ride. By the time my heart and brain adjusted to one situation I already found myself in another one.
I was pulled out of my reverie by a hand tugging my arm and dragging me out of the room.
" You know what you have to do now. For now I will let you think over it but tonight we have a date no arguments just be ready. Your dress will be delivered to you and I will explain everything tonight. But noone has to know what we will be discussing tonight. It remains between us if u love ur parents. Am I clear?" he asked authoritatively. " Crystal clear " I said controlling myself from latching out and wringing his neck. All he did was smirk, kiss my cheek amd walked off.
On instinct I wiped my cheek and went to the washroom to wash my face. I loathed his disgusting touch. It felt like it marred my skin with invisible marks. Looking at myself in the mirror of the washroom I realised I looked like a horrible mess. Well your looks are just complementing your situation. Isn't it! My inner self loved to comment on me.
I stood there staring at myself for god knows how long. I hadn't realised my waterworks had started again till I felt hot tears dripping down my cheeks and already wet face. I sighed without making any attempt to wipe them off. I needed to cry needed to let go for once. Being strong for a really long time makes you vulnerable when reality strikes you across the face.
After a while, I was done with my crying session when I felt I had no tears left I washed my face and left the bathroom. I stood on the window contemplating what to do. That's whenI realised I had alot of anger subsided in me. I never really acknowledged it as I was scared I would do something drastic . So I decided I would dance a little to clear my mind. I found a music player in one of the rooms and locked myself in. For the next one hour I danced off all my anger., energy and hurt. I went up to my room and changed into some clothes Sam had left for me. My evening dress had also arrived but I didn't bother looking at me. I just sat on my bed forming a plan in my mind. I decided I would get the papers signed by Richard. At first I felt guilty that I would be betraying Richard's trust but when my parent's life was at stake nothing else mattered. I gave myself a prep talk about being strong and opened the box cover to reveal my evening dress.
Well in all honestly I laughed because I had expected this from Sam. He always thought I was the weak one and would do anything to degrade me. The dress was a blood red colour and came a little above my knees . It had a deep neck and back revealing almost everything and leaving little to imagination. At this point I didnt care about myself I was done with people and there nonsensical games. So tonight I was going to be a Richa nobody had ever seen. I would exactly be everything Sam would never expect me to be. If he wants to play a game I will show him how to play without the rules.
I went to the dressing table and looked at all the stuff Sam had sent for me, it included all makeup essentials, few lipsticks and some jewelry . Beside the dressing table lay a box of shoes. I opened it and saw a pair of red pencil heels stilettos. Quickly I showered and got to work. One thought constantly ran through my mind
Richa you can do this you have conducted several sting operations before you are a natural at it. Treat this like your job and nothing emotions, no strings attached!
Once I was satisfied with my look I wore the red stilettos and excited the room. I was busy adjusting myself to my heels when I bumped into a hard chest. Looking up, I saw Dante staring open mouthed at me. He took a step back and assessed me from top to bottom. " What the... are you going on a killing spree, woman?" he said, pupils still dilated. I laughed a wicked laugh. My laugh echoed through the room and sounded cold and ruthless even to my own ears. " Something like that.." I said and stormed off leaving a bewildered Dante standing there.
I was desperately searching the house for Sam when I saw the back garden being lit up with dim, candescent lights. So I went there and saw Sam sitting on a chair opposite a table set for a lavish date. Yes! I meant what I said. It looked lavish, extravagant, luxurious and every damn adjective related to filthy rich boy. The table was decorated with roses and a champagne bottle in the middle, two violinist stood beside him filling the air with a melodious sound. It looked like a setting out of the movies. If only the circumstances were different this would have made me happy. But today this seemed like hell was set in front of me in a beautiful facade. I gracefully walked towards Sam trying my level best to keep my emotions in check. My emotions where hitting me like darts on a dartboard, like an arrows hitting its prey. This brought back all the bitter sweet memories related to him. I loathed him from the day he left me stranded on our wedding day. But memories? However hard you try they are a part of you. Sensing my presence he turned around to see me walk up to him. He flashed a dazzlingly smile and waited till I reached him. The moment I reached the table his mouth too, like Dante, hung open. My inner self was smirking at our progress. The best part was he was staring more like ogling me for a full five minutes or so before I had enough and snappes my fingers in front of his face.
" I didn't know you were so hot. " he blurted. I smiled at him and took my seat. Again he started staring at me and I decided I needes to start the conversation.
" What do you want me to do?" I asked bluntly. He frowned but then smirked on understanding what I meant to ask.
" not much" he said licking his bottom lip while staring at my exposes breasts. I felt humiliated but had to suck it all in.
" The deal is simple you get the papers signed by adopting which ever way you want. Then bring me the papers and I will make arrangements for you to leave this country and go back to your parents. So its a win-win I get the house and you can get out, from the situation. I will make sure that once the work is done Richard or anyone else will not be able to stop you from returning home". He said sounding satisfied with his twisted plan .
" But why involve my parents then? " I asked
" its like mortgage for me. I do not trust you to do the deed without outwitting me.I know you Richa don't try to act smart in any way, your parents life is at stake and I know you will not let me down " he said shrugging his shoulders as if this was some casual question I was asking him. Bastard! I gave no reaction and silently looked around until he spoke again. " you know if money wasn't so attempting to me I would have even married you. Honestly I just wanted to get over you I was behaving like a love struck teen and it wasn't good for my image. I was made fun of and my gang laughed at me. So all I did was prove them wrong. "
I was the one doing all the staring now. I blankly stared at him trying to drill holes into his soul. Nonchalantly he continued,
"but now I feel I was wrong Richa I shouldnt have asked you to marry me and then left. If only I knew..that beneath all that covering and indian wear was a female body so hot that it could burn anyone who worshipped it." he said. I balled my hand in fists trying oh- so- hard to not murder him right there and then. Before, I knew it I spoke out " You want my body? Consider it a done deal. I am up for it but let my parents go" I trued convincing him. He got up and asked me to dance. Luckily the violinists were standing a little away from us and could not hear what we had been discussing. I stood up complying to his request and our bodies where swaying to the rhythms. He bent down and kissed me hungrily after a while and dismissed the musicians with a wave of his hand. They disappeared with lighting speed. I stood there frozen his lips semding a feeling of disgust all over me. He broke the kiss when I did not reciprocate it. He walked to the table pulling me with him and shouted for his servants to bring the food. We quietly ate till we were full. " You don't seem to be ready " he said popping his head to side.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and he spoke again
" To sleep with me" I took a sharp intake of breath at tge bluntness of his words. " I wont force myself onto you. I want you to be initiating it. You seducing me and begging me to fuck you" he bent on the table and said.
" I will do anything just leave my parents alone." I said desperately. I wont back out if this is the price of my parents life.
" then show me " he said and gestured for me to sit on his lap.

Crossing The Devils Path
RomanceRICHA CHADDA Is a succesful senior tv reporter and one of the best in her fields. She is enthusiastic, sensible and loves challenges . So when she gets an opportunity to make a small movie on prostitution in india she gladly takes it . But who knew...