The Weird Part

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A couple bus stops later the guy who broke up with her and broke her heart got on the bus and sat across from her on the boy side and looked at her and looked back out the window a lot. She was uncomfortable and didn't like the bus anymore. But then she had a girl she remember that she played basketball with sat behind her and she was okay. She just couldn't believe that after all that happened she has to ride the bus with the guy who broke her heart. She didn't understand why she had to ride the same bus as him. She had so much fun though with her friends and her friends gave her advice on people. That they are just jealous or they have nothing better to do. If they say something about you to tell them that I didn't know you thought about me so much to find something to say about how I look. The other friends gave her Adobe that her uncle told her that if a guy doesn't compliment your eyes then he's not a good one because if they don't look at your eyes then how do they know who you really are and that what else would they be looking at if they aren't looking at your eyes. But she had so much with her friends she felt safe for the first time in a while because no one was around that would hurt her and she had friends that live near her that made her feel more safe.

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