The Big Blow Out Fight

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Her mom and great grandmother got in a huge fight over nothing. People where screaming and yelling. Her mom got tired of hearing the screaming and the fight started over her great grandmother wanting to fight. Then her great grandmother called her daughter and her daughter pulled her car infront of Rose's mom's car so she couldnt be able to go for a drive. Rose's great grandmother made Rose's little brother turn on his mom. Rose's mom had to call the cops because her aunt wouldnt more the car. So everything was bad and then Rosa go a message from her boyfriend and he broke up with her. She broke out in tears he told her that he was lying to her. One of the cops went outside and talked to her becuase she was almost on the ground crying. When the cops let them get some of there stuff they got in the car Rosa got in the front beside her mom and was crying to much that she could barely breathe. Then drove to her step grandparents house.

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