New Home

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The sound of screaming and the smell of fresh blood filled my scenes......Then I woke up just like always

"em we're here!" Charles was jumping up and down in his seat next to the window. Smiling I look to a sign up ahead Santa Carla and on the back was big bold letters "MURDER CAPITAL OF THE WORLD". I look to Charles trying not to laugh

"wow" I whisper Charles and I laugh as the bus came to a stop.

Charles went Running off the bus laughing I grabbed our bags following it was beautiful the people the smells.....Well except for one smell which smells like something had died.

"Em" looking to Charles he was pointing to a big rollercoaster​ "can we ride it?" I smile ruffling his hair

"sure but first we need to find a place" grabbing his small hand we walked through the crowd. After a while we came to a dirt road pine trees everywhere the smell of them made me miss our old home.


"Em look at that" Charles pointed to an old treehouse it was huge we had walked for miles looking for a place but when your in the mountains you don't really have a lot of options once we ended up staying under a bridge for a few weeks until the rain came and filled up the creek. Climbing up the tree we went inside it was not just big on the outside but also the inside as well it was peaceful and we were happy there.


"Em look!" I hadn't realized Charles had walked ahead of me, catching up he was moving dead leaves off of a fallon sign "Bronze Seashore Hotel" I read the sign. We walked up the road to an old fence It was unlocked so we went ahead.

Coming up to an old building we stopped it was worn down some of the windows where broken which there where a lot. The main door was old with Vines and moss had grown on the first floor Windows the vines covered them making it impossible to get a good look inside. I tired to stand on my tiptoes to get a better look but no luck.

"Charles wait" I ran after my brother who had walked inside I was in aww as I walked in. The place was beautiful even if there where dead leaves and miss everywhere.

"Em!" Charles grinned up at me I look down grinning back

"oh yeah" I say and with that We took off running around our new home. There were 20 if so not more rooms each with a bathroom to go with there was a huge dinning room with a massive ball room off to the side. I ran up the stairs with Charles on my heels he had picked a room that was to the left side of the stairs as mine was to the right his was dark with a dresser and vanity and to the side a desk and a chair with the bed next to the dresser.

Making my way don't the hall on the right side of the stairs I walked to my room. It had a small window a wardrobe that faced the bed with a mirror on the doors with it a small night stand on either side and next to the bed a small chair. It was perfect needed a little gypsy charm but that could wait till later. I sat my bags down and changed into a black top a denim vest and a pair of leather skinny jeans along with my black buckle up boots. Charles had changed into an oversized led Zeppelin shirt and jeans, now most mother's would see me as a bad role model for my Young brother scenes he was only 6 and loved led Zeppelin but I think im doing pretty good.

We had walked back to the boardewalk it was around 8 and already dark by the time we made it there. We had road the rollercoaster untill the security guard told us to get off Wich we then played a few games. Charles won a small lion and I won a eye ball ring that lit up.

"Em a carousel!" Charles yelled running on he tired to get on a horse but failed miserably

"here" I laugh helping him on. I get on a black horse behind him as the ride began to move.

Charles laughed as he pretended to be a cowboy, in the distance behind us I could hear deep voices boys. I turned a little to late as two boys both blond one looking like twisted sister with his long blond hair, fish net top, white pants, knee high boots and long tailed jacket. The other was smaller he had curly blond hair a multicolored patched jacket and jeans with boots. Then I saw him and my whole world stopped he had dark long hair, dark eyes, he wore a black leather jacket with a leperd going up one arm he had on a pair of jeans with boots out of one of his back pockets a red bandanna hung out he had a small claw ear ring and a unique necklace to match.

I guess he could feel me staring because in a second he turned starting back at me. I wanted to look away but I couldn't I noticed he was shirtless Wich did not help. I could feel a warm feeling start in my adomin Wich moved between my thighs. Clearing my throat I looked away only to look back to him he smirked looking back then walking ahead with the two blonds. I turn around only to have a man who looked to be the leader of the group next to me he had platinum blond hair that was spiked at the top, a black shirt black jeans and a long black trench coat. Grinning at me he stared at me with his ice blue eyes following the man I had just been staring at they got off the ride.


Ok so I have rewritin this story so it would sound better and make more scenes so I will do the next chapter in the morning xD I hope you like it

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