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Its been a week since that night Dwayne left me with out an explanation and a week since that kiss. I had been avoiding him instead of letting him watch Charles I had been leaving him in the comic book store. When I'm sure I could see Dwayne's brunette hair I'd hide in the crowd, he has even came in to my work but I always hide either i duck behind the counter or I run in the back where we keep our drinks stocked. Not minding the strange looks I'd get from the customers there all half drunk anyway.

I just got off work and it was cold as I expected it was October my favorite month. I had been working more and it was exhausting. I was walking on the boardwalk on my way to pick up Charles when I pick up a familiar smell. Whiskey and smoke..


Im home alone with  my baby brother Charles he is just a year old I'm just 14 years old he was in his play pin in the living room. Our dad had been out all night drinking with his friends at the pub. I was washing the dishes I was trying to get all the chores done before he got home and maybe he wouldn't be angry.

Putting the dishes up I clean the floor and windows, I was about to pick up the dirty cloths when I seen the lights off his car through the window. Quickly grabbing the cloths I run to the bathroom and throw them in the hamper. Coming back in the living room dad walks in slamming the door behind him causing Charles to wake up and cry.

"Shut him up!" He yelled at me pointing to Charles. Quickly walking to my brother I pick him up and try to calm him down. My dad was holding his head with both hands a whiskey bottle in barely staying in his grip. "Shut him up!" He yelled again throwing the bottle against the wall.

I jumped and ran up the stairs to the nursery and closing the door. After a bit I had gotten Charles to calm down and was exhausted. Walking down the stairs I was meat with my dad sitting on the bottom steps. Once he saw me he got up and staggered up the steps.

"Your good for nothing you know that girl, your mother was a whore and so are you" he breathed in his cigarette and blew the smoke in my face causing me to cough. Laughing he walked up the stairs and into his room slamming the door.

Sitting in the shower I cried trying to scrub the smell of whiskey and smoke off of me. He was wrong my mother was not a whore she just fell in love with a man and married the wrong one.

*Flashback end*

I looked around in panic searching the crowd for man who ruled my nightmares. The smell grew stronger every second I stood there. Turning around fast I came face first into something hard. Looking up I was meat with Paul then all of a sudden the smell was gone as fast as it came.

"Hey girl you know Dwayne has been looking all over for you" he laughed grabbing me by the wrist he began to lead me away.

"No Paul!" I said as I began to claw at his hand. "I'm avoiding him on purpose".

We stopped Paul's face growing serious "he is worried about you" he said finally letting go of me.

Before he could say anything else I made a run for the book store. Once there I checked to make sure he didn't follow "Hey Charles!" I yelled.

Almost immediately Charles came running around the corner with a hand full of comics. "Look what I got em!" He stretched out his hands to show me the books all ranging from Dracula, Frankenstein, the wolf man, and zombies. "The frog Brothers said I earned them because I helped organize the comics!".

"That's awesome hun" i began looking for the frog brother's so I could pay them. They where bringing boxes from the back of the shop unloading them on a table. I was about to ask Charles if he was ready to leave before I heard the sound of bike engines. Looking to where it was coming from I seen Dwayne seeing him for the first time in a week, my heart was doing flips. "Hey why don't you stay here for a bit longer while I go run some errands?".

"Yeah I can earn more comics!" He said running back to help the frog brothers.

Its been a week and I needed answers, did he not want me with him?  Does he have someone? I needed to know. I was making my way towards Dwayne when a man with dark curls came up and pushed David causing the rest of the boys to jump into action.

Dwayne's pov..

It's been a week since I've seen Emery and I could feel my undead heart dying all over again. Paul had said he had seen her earlier and that she seemed scared, and that she was avoiding me. I was going to try to find her but David had said tonight we were going to show Michael what we are...what he is.

And right on cue Michael came up and pushed David causing him to almost fall of his bike. Jumping to action the boys pulled him away as I took my place beside him ready for if Michael got cocky.

"Where is she David? Where is star?"

David grind leaning twords him "Michael if you ever want to see star again I suggest you come with us now".

We were about to take off when Emery walked up to me. "Dwayne I need to talk to you" she said taking ahold of my forearm. The feeling of her touch sent shocks through out my body, wrapping my arm around her waist I pulled her closer "it's not a good time Emery" I told her looking twords David.

David looked to us with his division grin of course I knew what he was thinking " Emery get out of here go home" I said quickly removing my arm from her waist.

"No" David chimed in "let her come Dwayne she wants answers". The expression showing on her face was a mixture of confusion and fear. Swolloing the lump in my throat I nod to her to get on. Once she was on we took off speeding through the trees, past bonfires and the drunken people of Santa Carla.

After a good 5 minutes we finally came to our destination. We parked behind a hill on top was a tree, as the boys climbed up I took ahold of Emery's hand pulling her to me "whatever you see please don't be afraid of me, and I'm sorry I wanted to tell you myself".

Emery's pov..

Looking to him confused "what is?" I asked letting go of his hand "Dwayne why would I be afraid of you?". With a word he lead me to the top of the hill where the boys were sitting in the tree. Below us was a bonfire where a bunch of drunk men danced to loud music. Once Dwayne was in he held out his hand for me, before I could take it I felt a hand on my shoulder stopping me. Looking behind me was the man with curly brown hair he shook his head at me not to get in the tree with them. Before I could make a decision David spoke up.

"Initiation is over Michael, time to join the club" we looked up to him coming face to face with....a monster. He laughed at us as well as Marko, and Paul who had also transformed into monsters. I was in shock I could feel myself shake in fear as tears ran down my cheeks. Looking to Dwayne I was hoping he was still himself, bit once looking at him he had to transformed​ I felt my heart stop and break. David stopped laughing and grew serious and in a second they where out of the tree and below us tearing apart the men tipping them apart one by one drinking there blood as they staked them upon the fire.

Screaming fear me ears as Michael and I fell from the hill both of us rolling down twords the bikes....then it stopped the screaming just stopped. As Michael helped me up we looked to the hill where the boys appeared.

"know you know what we are and now you know what you are" David said whipping blood from his face. "You'll never grow old and you'll never die, but you must feed". Looking to me he laughed "now you have your answers, your mate is a vampire" David laughed.

"My mate?" I spat as I looked at them all blood covering them.

"Yes you belong to him heart, body, and soul".

"No!" I yelled as I began to cry David, Marko and Paul began to laugh. Dwayne made a move to come twords me but I hid Michael. "Stay away from me" I cried.

Michael and I got on to his bike making our way back to the boredwalk.


Hey so I'm sorry if it makes no sense

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