Defense of lake Knamt

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I woke up. There was a soft white glow. I slow quiet beeping noise pierced the silence. The beeps felt personal. Like they were talking about me. It was an odd feeling, knowing that a noise belonged to you. I opened my eyes. And immediately regretted it. A light blinded me from above. And I heard the groans and grunts of people. I heard some screams to my left. I grimaced as I turned towards the sound. It felt like my whole body was gelatin. I saw only a curtain.

I realized that I was in the hospital building. I slowly turned my head upwards. The beeping grew louder, and the light above me turned green. A nurse rushed towards my bed. I was going to say hello but couldn't speak. My mouth and lips were cracked and dry. The nurse handed me a water bottle. 

"Drink it slowly, I don't want you choking on it. Oh, and remember to sit up."

I complied, and slowly sat up, my back rife with pain. I brought the bottle up to my cracked lips, envying the water inside. I tilted it upward to drink and water poured all over me. I sputtered and coughed.

"Great job." She was very sarcastic.

My lips were moistened by the water, and so were my clothes. 

"Huh. You too honey."

She looked at me with scorn, and then left the room. I slowly stood up, and realized that I was clean, and in some white hospital rags. I sat on the edge of the bed, and found the heart monitor, no wonder the beeping felt personal. It was measuring my heartbeat. I pulled off the tabs from my fingers and wrist.

I stood up and paced slowly around my curtained off room. I warmed up, and began feeling less sore. I peeled back the curtain and entered the main hall. I saw a door marked with exit to my right. As I approached it I heard footsteps behind me as the nurse from earlier grabbed my arm.

"You ain't done here yet mister. Get back in your room!"

"Screw this hospital! I need to get something to the customs office!"

I ripped my arm away and opened the door.

"If you trip and die, I'm not liable for it you ungrateful bastard!" She yelled back at me before swiftly turning down the hall to attend to the screaming man in the room next to mine. I opened the door and walked down a set of ramps to the ground floor. I moved towards the front desk. A man greeted me.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you today?"

"Huh, you too. And could I have my DCU, I'm pretty sure you guys have it?"

"Oh yeah, we have all your gear. Just finished drying too. What the hell happened to you out there?"

"Oh long story. I'll tell you later."

He smiled. "Sure you will."

He disappeared into a back room. After a minute he came back out, with a cloth bag marked with my name.

"Hey, remember to bring the bag back after your done changing." He said.

"No problem."

I walked toward the bathroom and changed there. It felt good to be back in my own clothes. I left the bathroom and handed the man at the front desk the bag with the hospital gown in it.

"You have a good day sir!" he called after me.

"Hey, you too."

I left the room, and entered the main court. To the left of the hospital was the customs building. I began walking towards the drab white building, I pushed open the door. I was washed over with cold air as I entered the building.

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