Readers p.o.v
I eventually woke up, the sweet smell of roses intoxicating me, almost making me feel sick. My mind was still fuzzy, not making anything out in the darkness. I tried to stand up, but I found that my hands were chained above my head. I started to become panicked as I gained full consciousness and pulled more against the chains, until a slither of light cut through the dark, then all the lights were turned on, a figure at the door.
It was the guy with the rose and fedora, and I started to shake as he got closer
"So, your finally awake" I didn't answer and looked away from him as he kneeled in front of me "Aw don't be afraid of me doll face~ I'm not going to hurt you" I looked at him
"W-what do you want?" He smirked
"I just want to ask you some questions, then you can go" I nodded slightly
"What do you want to ask?"
"My brother Slender, do you know him?" I looked at him
"H-he's your brother?" He nodded and chuckled
"Yes I am, so you do know him" I nodded slightly but looked down " How do you know him?"
"I don't want to talk about it.." He looked at me
"Your in love with him, aren't you?" I blushed darkly and he chuckled deeply
"Perfect~" I then heard a door downstairs slam open, and heavy, angry foot steps enter the house
"Offender give her back now!!" Offender smirked and stood up
"Let the fun begin"
Slendermans p.o.v
I looked up the stairs, seeing Offender and growled
"Where the hell is she?"
"She? I don't know what your talking about" I clenched my fists
"I found her ring outside your house, I know she's here!"
"Maybe I do have your girl, but do you think I'm just going to give her back?" I growled then sighed
"Fine, what do you want?" He smirked widely then laughed evilly
"I want you to suffer"
"What the hell do you mean by that?!" He walked down to face me and grinned
"You call me a disgrace Slender, but the only disgrace here is you, its your fault that I'm like this" I could hear the anger in his voice as he glared daggers at me, and that made me worry for Y/n's safety, even more than I already worried.
"Offender, look I'm sorr-" He punched me hard, causing me to fall to the ground
"Your not sorry at all, you hate me brother, even though I admire you more than anyone!" He got on top of me and wrapped his hands around my neck tightly, and I struggled. "The only reason that your sorry right now, is because I have your bitch upstairs" He gripped my neck a lot tighter and I couldn't breathe.
"Just shut up!!" He held me tighter and I lost the strength to struggle against him.
Readers p.o.v
I could hear shouting, things smashing, and I became more panicked than before. My hands were still chained up, so I tried my hardest to pull against them, but to no success. I looked around the room for the key, but instead saw a small paper clip, glistening on the table near me.
It was within the distance of my feet, so I kicked the table leg as hard as I could, causing the table to fall over, a few things smashing on the ground. The paper clip fell out of my distance, and I cursed under my breath, then a photo caught my attention. One of the things that had fallen was a picture frame, holding a photo of a younger Offender, next to a young girl. They both smiled and looked happy next to each other.
I smiled slightly but then the door ripped open and I saw a very angry Offender storm inside and grab the photo.
"Why the hell would you do that!!" He growled and went to hit me, but Slender weakly grabbed his arm
"You will not touch her" Offender growled as Slender ripped the chains off and picked me up. Offender then sighed and sat down, the look of defeat spread across his face. I felt slightly bad but Slender held me close and carried me out of the room and went downstairs. I stayed silent as I could tell Slender had a lot on his mind.
He walked to the front doors and opened them, then I looked out and my eyes widened, as Slender held me slightly.
"So, we meet again, traitor~"
((Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!"

Slenderman x reader - Experiment Breach
FanfictionYou saved me, so now I will protect you, my dear human, Those words were kept a promise by the entity you saved, And now you will stay by his side for the rest of your days.