Okay guys. This is the first chapter of the re-write. If you like it please let me know. I am going to write this one as the series, but if you like the other one better I will finish that one before I do. Love you thank you for reading!!!!!
I felt the wind in my hair as my feet pounded ageinst the ground. I saw trees whip past as I ran. What was I running from? I didn't know what, all I knew was I had to get away. If it caught me, it would kill me.
My face hit something hard. The ground. Oh no. I felt a pain stab my back. I couldn't breathe. I could feel my life slipping away. My eyelids grew heavy. I couldn't hold on much longer.
Shaking. Somone was shaking me. "Delilah! Wake up baby," I heard a voice call, sounding distant.
My eyes fluttered open. A dream. It was all just a horriable dream.
I opened my eyes fully. I blinked quickly. Trying to get used to the darkness around me. Once my eyes adgusted, I saw Drew in front of me. His hands gripping my arms. His eyes full of concern.
I smilied at my over protective, werewolf, boyfriend. "I'm fine babe. It was just a bad dream." He pulled me into his strong chest. His hand pulled on the ends of my hair softly, it was comforting.
I was struglling "Can we go back to sleep? I'm really tired," I said with a yawn. "Of course darling," Drew said as he laid down. He patted the spot next to him. I smilied and laid down next to him.
Drew wrapped his arms around me. I alowed my eyes to close, I knew I was safe. As long as I was with Drew, I felt safe.
"Hey Delilah," I heard a voice say, a very familer one. I smilied. "Hey Mitchie," I said, as I hugged my vampire, best friend. "How are you my little witch," he asked, hugging my tightly. "I'm okay. I miss you though. When are you comming back," I asked, pulling a pout.
"I'll be home tomorrow," he said, grinnig. "Yay," I shouted.
"I missed you, too. I was going to be gone for another week. But, I missed you way to much to stay away any longer."
"Good. I've been bored out of my mind. Drew's great, but just for lovey dovey crap. I need my prank buddy."
"Well, I'll be back tomorrow. Then we can prank the whole town if you want."
Mitchel sighed. "I have to wake up now. I need to get back on the road. Then we can hang out all day." I looked up into his ocean blue eyes. "Promise?" "I, Mitchel Phillip Peterson, Promise we will hang out all day tomorrow."
I nodded and pulled back. "See you later Mitchel." "You to."
I lifted my eye lids slightly, sunlight burned my eyes. I rolled over, my body hit something hard.
The floor.
Lovely. I wake up to fall on my face. Great.
"Are you okay baby," Drew asked with a chuckle. Fantastic. He saw my fall on my face. Yup, I'm an idiot. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said as I sat up.
Drew climbed down onto the floor and sat next to me. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips.
His lips were soft, but also rough. A little to rough. I just imagine the perfect kiss diffrently.
I pulled back, licking my lips. Trying to get the taste of Drew of my lips. "Do you want any breakfast," Drew asked.
I turned my eyes to the clock. It read, 2:15p.m. I laughing slightly. "Don't you mean lunch?" Drew's head turned to look at the clock. "Oh. I guess I do mean lunch. Seeing as how we've passed breasfast by, about 6 hours," he said with a loud, annoying laugh.
Wait, annoying laugh. I've never thought Drew was annoying before. I've always thought he was cute.
The way he flippes his long shaggy brown hair from his eyes, the way he always has to have his hand in mine, the way he dances. He can't dance at all. But he tries.
But now, I don't find that cute but arrogent, obessive and pointless.
He is way to protective over me. If I even glance at another guy, he gets angry and takes us, either to his house or mine.
I shook my head. No. I shouldn't be thinking these things about my boyfriend. I love him. At leat I think I do. I just don't know anymore.
Drew stood up and held out his hands. I took them and pulled myself up. "Race ya," Drew called as he ran for the stairs.
"So unfair! You got a head start!" I focused all my power into a travel spell. I closed my eyes, and pictured the kitchen.
I opened my eyes again. I was standing next to the old, gloden brown, kitchen table.
Drew ran into the kitchen. Gasping for breath. "Wha- how," he stuttered. I walked over to him and cupped his face. "SIlly silly wolf. Did you forget I'm a very powerful witch?"
It's true to. According to my uncle, there hasn't been a witch as powerful as me, in 500 years.
Drew laughed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and started to lean in. I closed my eyes waiting for the pressure of his lips to hit mine.
But they never came.
Drew lifted me up and threw m over his shoulder. "What do you think you're doing," I screamed. "Taking you to the pool." I knew he was smirking. I could sense it.
"Oh god! No! Not the pool! Babe please no," I screamed again. Awe, is my baby scared of a little water," he teased. "It isn't funny! You know the witch drowning scare me! Put me down!"
I tried not to cry. My mom had been killed in the witch drowning in Salem. I know what you're thinking. Wasn't that in the 16 hundreds? I don't age. Another perk of being a witch.
Drew stopped laughing. "I-I'm sorry baby. I forgot," he looked like a lost puppy. I didn't care. "It doesn't matter," I said as I stormed out the front door.

Dark Secrets
EspiritualDelilah is a witch, in love with a werewolf (Drew). But when her vampire best friend, Mitchel, confesses his love for her, will her feelings for Drew change? Delilah isn't even aloud to be friends with a vampire, forbidden to be more. Will she brea...