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                      I opened my eyes and glanced at the busted clock on my wooden-nightstand, it read 7:30. I sat up and looked around my room. My little brother Peter was sleeping in his make-shift crib. I slid out of bed and walked over to him. Peters eyes fluttered open and he smiled. I picked him up and ruffled my hands through his thin blonde hair. "Morning Peter." He smiled another toothless smile. I carried him into the kitchen, where my father was baking bread. "Hey, whats up dad?" My father grabbed Peter and placed him on the counter. "Wheres you mother Jade?" I shrugged. "Most likely catching some game." Peeta nodded and grabbed out a pan of already baked bread. I bit down on my lip and glanced out the window. Haymitch, our neighbor, and my father and mothers mentor was laying in the grass with an empty bottle of white liquor. Usual. I walked out of the kitchen and into the livingroom. My boots were next to the fireplace, which was letting off a warm blaze. I slid on my boots. I moved over to my closet and pulled on my grandfathers hunting jacket. I walked over to the front door and unlocked it. I looked to make sure my father was bussy with Peter and I slowly slipped out of the house.

                      Dead leaves crinkled under my feet. I made my way through the town. I glanced over to where my mother had told me the Hub had once stoob tall and strong, now there was only a big gap. Ever since the captiol had bombed 12, almost all life had escaped, but slowly and surely people were comming back. There was now about 800 people back in 12. Almost all the population had left 13. I moved through the town and dodged people. I reached the limit of the district and slid under the newly placed fence. I ran through the ashes and burned trees, yes some were comming back but that didnt mean that the first part of the woods weren't totally hideous. I ran until I reached the pond that lay in the far left side of the woods. There was a black figure laying in the pond. Katniss. "Mom." Katniss looked up at me and smiled. "Hey honey whats up?"

"Just wanted to know if you wanted to hunt before the reaping." The word reaping tasted like vomit in my mouth. Ever since Snow was killed I thought the games would have ended, but no they decided to contuine. Today it would be 80th anual Hunger Games. My mother shook her head yes, we walked over to a huge oak tree. I climbed the tree and stuffed my hand into a hole in the tree, it used to be a tracker jacker nest, but it was evacuate, and thats excatly where we kept our bow and arrows. I tossed them down to my mother and and jumped off the tree.

                         After about 2 hours we had 5 wild turkeys, 3 rabbits, and 1 deer. We cleaned off the animals and cut them into small peices. I took a shower and dried off. My mother had laid a blue dress out for me. I slid into it and placed my hair in a braid. Perfect. I resembled my mother so much. I had her hair, eyes, and skill with a bow-n-arrow. But I could also paint as well as my father.  I helped get Peter ready. We all walked down to the town square, just in front of the Justice building, where the mayor worked. Everybody was in a straight line, and dressed properly. I moved in the line and waited to get my blood pricked. I was 14 so I knew the process of what it took to enter you section. They pricked my finger and moved me to the 14-15 section for girls. I knew it would only take a few minutes for them to pick the two unlucky tributes. I knew that I wouldn't get picked so I just took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Effie Trinkets voice came over head. "Hello, hello everyone. Happy 80th Hunger Games. May The Odds Ever Be In Your Favor. With that lets get started. Ladies first." Effies hand swrilled around the bowl before she pulled out a card. Effie cleared out her throat and stated. "Jade Everdeen." My heart felt like it was about to bust out of my cheast. "Jade!" My mother began to yell along with my father. I glanced at them and let out a tear. "Well come on now dear, come come." I slowly walked over to the stage. I was shaking so hard I thought I was going to explode. Effie called out the boys name. "Porter Devnami." I knew Porter, he was in my class, he had a few brothers that were younger than him, they would come over to my house to play with Peter. Effie grabbed my hand and Peters hand. "District 12 your tributes. Jade Everdeen, and Peter Devnami. Lets give them a hand." District 12 placed three fingers to their lips and placed them in the air. That was our way of saying goodbye. Effie pulled us into the Justice Building and shoved us onto the train. I knew where I was going.

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