14. Fright

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Six performances, three sponsors, two months and a signed contract in, the band, Zeus, was making its way to being the most popular band in the United States. Surprising all the band members, their families and loved ones as well as their agent, Mr. Caplain, Zeus found itself, only two months in to their first tour, with a steadily growing band of loyal followers. They played a song, written by them, in a coffee house one night and a girl recorded it, posting it to YouTube, which was just the beginning.

Mr. Caplain was excited when this happened, because it meant she liked the music and when he saw it had reached near to a billion views before the week was up, he knew they were well on their way to making it. After the video went viral, the potential investors they first met with called them back saying they'd changed their minds and wished to sponsor them. Mr. Caplain had said this would happen if they continued playing their music with the same gusto they had at their first performance and he was right.

The members were blown away by how fast they became popular and even as they explored new cities, they found they were recognized by a few passersby, stopped, and asked for autographs.

"It's finally beginning," Dean had said, nothing but joy on his face as he signed his very first autograph in the notebook of an excited girl.

He had been right. Their fame only grew and Jamie found herself alone in hotels a lot as the boys did press conferences, met with more investors and played their music in parks, coffee shops and malls. Though they were, so far, only gigs and no money was being given to the boys yet, Mr. Caplain promised that with a few more investors, the money would start coming in soon.

After their first two months ended, Mr. Caplain gave them two days off to relax and explore the city they were currently in, that being Kansas City, and the boys were glad for the break. Jacob did nothing but watch his favorite cooking shows while Thomas wrote home about their trip and experiences. That left the trio consisting of Eric, Dean and Jamie, who often hung out together.

Dean had grown closer to Jamie after talking things out with Thomas, and realized that he'd rather enjoy the time he spent with her, rather than spend it brooding and wishing Eric wouldn't kiss her so much.

Meanwhile, the couple's relationship flourished. Eric shared everything with Jamie and she even began sharing more with him. She didn't mind the long bus rides and the hotel rooms because the boys were always full of stories when they got back in the evenings. She even found herself tidying up the hotel rooms and cooking strange, little meals in the tiny kitchens for them to eat when they got home in the evenings.

The entire time, though, she longed for a big kitchen so she could cook real food and she wished she could have her own bedroom. Though, it was comforting to share her bed with Eric each night, she did miss her own bed at home.

By the third month's end, the band had reached an all new high in their popularity. Girls began swarming them even as they walked to their cars between meetings or performances.

"Can I have your autograph?!"

"Can I have a picture with you?!"

"I love you!"

"Marry me!"

The shouts continued, some innocent and others, inappropriate. Still, they just made the boys smile and they complied with most of the request, signing things until their hands grew sore and smiling for pictures until their cheeks grew tired and pained.

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