Chapter 15

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Dad tried his best to convince me that going back with him was the best thing to do, but I refused. For the first time in my life, I was standing up to someone who wasn't out to get me, and it felt pretty good.

"Honestly, Selena, I don't believe staying here is a good idea. You may trust Maria and her son, but what about her husband? He's the reason you were almost killed." Dad was doing his best to persuade me to go back with him. It wasn't working.

"Dad, I'm sure he just forgot. And besides, I'm in more danger there then here. One of the other servants might see me, and that's very likely considering I can't fold my wings or even move one of them!" I moved my black one for emphasis, wincing at the pain.

Dad and I had never had a fight before. Even two years ago, when he was telling me to stay and not follow him to the human world, I had simply nodded and wished him well. Our first fight was something stupid concerning my well being.

I looked at him, and wished Maria would return. She had left to compose herself and find out why her husband had let the scientists upstairs. And probably call someone about the four dead bodies lying in the hallway.

He sighed, and put his hands on my shoulders. He looked me in the eyes. "You heal faster than humans. I'll come get you in a few days unless I feel something's wrong."

"Dad, either way, you can't do anything for me. I'm more like Mom than you. You don't know how to treat angels. I'm safer here anyway. Only those four scientists knew I was here. Maria can tell the others that they were killed in a freak explosion and then everything will be fine. All that the scientists want to do is experiment on me. Demon Hunters know that I'm staying with you and Ciel. That technically makes me safer here than over there."

My father opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a door opening and closing again. Maria walked over to us, arms folded, and clearly angry.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"He said that he told those four that you were here. He said he doesn't like living under the same roof as a monster."

I felt my eyes start to water, and my father's grip on my shoulders tighten.

"Then I told him that you weren't a monster, and to get his butt out of my house. He's packing his things now, and I'm staying with you until he's done." She looked at me, and frowned. She put her hand on my arm. "You're no monster to me. I think your just a very special person."

I nodded, and she let go of my arm. "I'll give you a new room, and I won't be here for about an hour tomorrow morning. I'm filing for a divorce, and making sure he doesn't get his filthy paws on Peter."

"Thanks," I said quietly.

She smiled. "I should be thanking you. I never would have figured out what a jerk he is if you hadn't shown up." She walked over to the door and opened it, then turned back to me. "He should be done by now, so I'll make sure he gets out and then I'll set up your room. I'll come get you once I'm finished." Then she left, closing the door behind her.

I turned back to my father. "See? She cares and I'm safe here. Her husband is leaving, and I'll be able to recover here."

He looked toward the door that Maria had just went through, then back at me. He closed his eyes and sighed, then opened them again.

"You really are your mother's daughter," he said, then kissed my forehead. "You win. Maria has earned my trust. Just stay safe."

I nodded.

Maria came back into the room. "I put him in a carriage and told the driver to take him so far away that he couldn't possibly find his way back."

"But don't you need him in court?" I asked.

Maria shrugged. "I'll tell the judge that he left without a word."

"Wow, your gonna break the oath of truth or whatever its called?"

She nodded. "If it'll help keep you safe, I'll kill him myself."

I smiled, then winced at the growing pain in my wing.

Maria noticed and frowned. She walked over to me and pulled a bottle of pills out of her pocket. She opened the lid and pulled one out. "Here," she said, handing me one. "You've had a long day. Swallow this and it'll help you sleep tonight."

I took it and swallowed it. My father didn't look too thrilled, but I knew Maria would never give me anything to hurt me. I felt tired immediately, and leaned against my father for support.

Maria grabbed my arm gently. I gave my father a quick hug, and then let Maria lead me to my room. But unfortunately, I couldn't make the rest of the trip, and fell asleep in Maria's arms.

Sebastian's Daughter (Black Butler, 2014KuroWattyAward Winner) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now