4. Camp

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I was awoken by the sound of a knock. My eyes snapped open and I took in the room around me. It was just plain wooden walls, a small mirror and dresser, and a bed.

"Its lunch time guys." I heard Lukas' soft voice and his receding footsteps. I rolled over to see Bellamy, sleeping soundly next to me. His features were so relaxed when he slept, a nice change from the permanent scowl he always had on his face. His hair was tangled and a bit of a mess, but it still looked soft and fluffy. He wore nothing but a black T-shirt and black basketball shorts. Whenever I moved, his face crinkled. His big hands began to stir around, searching for me.

"Vivian?" It left his lips as a soft sigh. "Is everything okay?" I smiled slightly. His eyes cracked open, revealing those massive puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, it's time for lunch though."

"Did you sleep well?" He asked, moving his hand towards my face and gently moving my hair out of my eyes. It sent a shiver down my spine that I hoped he didn't notice.

"For sure. It's weird not to have my mother yelling her head off at six a.m." he chuckled slightly.

"Bellamy, do you plan on getting out of fucking bed-" the door opened suddenly, causing my heart to leap. Micah stood in the doorway, a judgmental look etched on his face.

"Don't you knock?" Bellamy sat up, annoyed.

"Sorry, didn't know you were eye fucking your little tag along." He replied sarcastically. Bellamy sent him the deadliest glare I'd ever seen and said,

"Get out."

"We need to talk after you get done with that," He rolled his eyes, gesturing his head towards me. I felt the urge to scream at him for being so nasty to me, but I held back. It would only make things worse. Bellamy stood, ruffling his hair and giving me a small smile as he slid out of the room. I walked over to the dresser were my bag was sitting, and slowly began to put on my black yoga pants and a grey T-shirt. I didn't pack anything else, so I hoped they had a good washing system. I opened the door, nervous as to the type of people I was about to meet. I followed the sound of a voice I recognized, Lukas'. There was a small kitchen, which was relatively small, but crowded with about nine or ten people. I spotted Lukas' bright blonde hair and quickly made my way over to him. It was good to know someone other than Bellamy.

"Good morning." Lukas smiled at me, patting my shoulder. "You two were out like a light when Micah and I got back. Hungry?" He offered me a plate piled with a delicious looking turkey sandwich, and a salad with slightly red dressing on top.

"Yes, starving." I admitted, taking the plate from him. He gestured for me to follow him into a small sitting room, where it appeared you could sit only eight people. Lukas sat next to me, and a girl sat on my left. She had short blonde hair tied into two buns with whispy bangs in the front, big green eyes, and tattoos crawling up her neck. I suspected that there were more on her arms, but they were covered by a thin black shirt.

"Hey, you're the new girl right?" She spoke up, her voice laced with a thick accent. "I'm Marcella."

"Vivian," I smiled back politely. I decided immediately that I liked her, she seemed very sweet.

"She came with Bellamy and Micah." Lukas informed her, swallowing a mouthful of his sandwich. I followed suit, trying not to moan at this amazing sandwich. I hadn't eaten in over a day, I was starving.

"Isn't Bellamy your boyfriend?" She asked innocently. I choked a little bit.

"No." I shook my head, taking a sip of the water Lukas handed me. "He's my best friend."

"Seems to me like he's got the hots for you." Marcella giggled. "Every time I'm around him he's constantly on about some adorable blonde girl from Arcadia." I started blushing. "Looks like you fit the bill."

"Hello, idiots." A man with a lopsided smile bounced into the room. He seemed to be a bit older than the others, maybe a year or two older than Micah, who I knew was twenty four. He had dark skin, thick facial hair, and a small bun at the base of his neck.

"Oh yeah, you're the newbie." The dorky smile never left his face. "Vivian, right?"

"Right." I mumbled shyly, trying to occupy myself with food.

"Wow, Bellamy wasn't wrong." He said, nudging Lukas. I quirked my eyebrow up at him, but he hurriedly looked away. "Anyways I'm Adnan. I run this show."

"You think you run this show." Marcella snorted, rolling her eyes softly. "Let's be real, you're Micah's little butt buddy."

"Micah is just overbearing, the guy has some good ideas." Adnan laughed along.

"He doesn't seem to like me, so I wouldn't know." I shrugged.

"Micah is just hateful, don't take it personally." Adnan rolled his eyes. "The guy's been through a lot, cut him some slack."

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at the frowns that overtook their faces.

"His girlfriend died about a month ago, got in a fight with bandit while he went to take a leak, found her lying a few feet from their camp. She died in his arms. Never been the same since." Adnan explained sadly. I swallowed, suddenly feeling sympathy for Micah. I could understand why he was so bitter.

"Why do you all look like you're suicidal?" Micah's annoyed voice caught our attention. We all instantly looked down to our food, not wanting to anger him. "Hey chick, you're in my seat." He zeroed in on me.

"Lukas told me I could sit here." I said back quietly.

"Lukas isn't the fucking boss." He crossed his arms. "You're new, you're not even apart of the clan."

"Yes she is Micah, just leave her alone." Marcella defended me, and I silently thanked her. "It's just a seat, go sit somewhere else."

"So we're all just gonna abandon the fact that she just showed up with Bellamy and let her be apart of the clan?" I could see his face reddening.

"Is there a problem here?" Relief washed over me whenever Bellamy appeared from the kitchen, a plate of food in his hands. "I see you've made friends, Cariña." He dragged a chair up so he could sit directly in front of me. Micah stalked off in the opposite direction, clearly pissed.

"I'm about to flip my shit on your dickhead of a brother." Lukas pointed his fork at Bellamy.

"He's just pissy because I brought Viv with me." I felt myself ready to explode, so I stood up and walked away from them. I dumped my plastic plate into the trash and found the front door out. It opened into a large green field, with only three our four trees surrounding it. A fence guarded by men and women with guns stood several yards away, and beyond that was the forest. I walked over to one of the trees, and and slouched down against it.

"Hey," my eyes quickly darted up to were Bellamy was standing over me. He slowly sat across from me, crossing his legs. "What's wrong Viv?"

"This was such a bad idea." I whimpered. "Your brother is probably right. I'm useless." I started to cry softly.

"Cariña." His usually cold, gravely voice turned silky and soft. "You're not useless."

"I can't fight. I can't hunt. Hell, apparently I can't even sit in the right seat." I sniffed, crying harder. Bellamy instantly put his arms around me, holding my head to his chest.

"Fuck Micah. He's just hateful." Bellamy repeated what Adnan had told me earlier. "I need you Vivian. You're going to be trained how to fight and how to hunt. You're going to be just as good as them, if not better. I promise."

"Vivian?" An all too familiar voice shook Bellamy away from me. I darted to my feet, squinting my eyes in the direction of a group that had just emerged from the forest. They were dressed in the black uniforms, rifles slung across their backs. One of them was running towards us. A tall older man, with silver hair.


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