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I walk through the corridors with my usual outfit on. My makeup has more effort put into it than most days. I only did my eyebrows, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick, but it is ROCKIN today.

Feeling my look, I silently strut down the hallway. I make my way to first block. I eye my place across the room, but Alex has taken the neighboring seat. I decide on the alternate route which is his old seat in the back. Anywhere but next to him..

A few moments pass and he catches sight of me across the room.  He abruptly stands up and stalks over to the desk to the left of me. A boy sits there, Jean. I recognize him from the basketball team. Alex stands in front of him.

"Swap me seats," Alex demands.

"Excuse me?" Jean questions.

"You're excused." Alex gestures his hand for Jean to move.

"What's this about, Alex? Wanna sit back here with your clique?" He gestures to a couple dark siders who ignore them. Jean continues his useless ramblings.

"Wanna sit by your little girlfriend?" He gestures to me. This makes Alex bust out laughing. It causes heads to turn, and my head to duck.

"That was good. Good one, James. Now get up before I kill the good vibes in here." This causes Jean to stand up.

"First of all, it's Jean. And second of all, I'm not scared of some boy three feet shorter than me."

Oh god, he should not be talking back to Alex. Alex has nothing to lose. I mean, Alex is a good 8 inches shorter than Jean. But that's because Jean is the tallest guy in our school.

"I might be shorter than you... but not as short as your basketball career if you don't move." Alex threatens. He creeps closer to Jean. "You wanna gain two shattered ankles today, James? Won't be so tall in a wheelchair."

Jean scoffs and snatches up his backpack. He moves to my old seat across the room. I hear Alex chuckle, and I catch a glimpse of him smirking. I silently pray that he won't make another scene and lay my head down.

"Hey," he says to get my attention. I ignore him, hoping he will get distracted by the pretty blonde in front of him.

"Hey you," he tries again. I decide to keep my head down and play dead. Hopefully he will leave me alone.

"I just went through all that trouble to sit right here. Least you can do is show some respect, doll face," he whispers to me.

I feel nervous goosebumps spread across my arms. I decide to not further poke the bear, so lift my head. I don't make eye contact, my eyes go to my fingers on my desk.

"What's your name?" He asks.

Should I answer? This would be defying my entire logic behind the shadow living lifestyle. I would be giving him my name-- officially shining the light on myself.

"I know you're not mute. You sure were giving me attitude yesterday," he adds. I grit my teeth.

Hmm. Mute. I like that idea.

"I'm only gonna ask you one more time. What is your name?" He asks with clenched teeth. I keep my eyes on the same knuckle on my left hand. My lips are sealed. For now, I am a mute, whether he likes it or not.

"Alex! I'm sick of the antics already. This is not how this will be this semester, young man. Go to the office."

Alex, still facing me, let's out a huff. "One second," he silently tells me. He spins around to face the teacher.

"Go to the office, Alex. I mean it." She repeats.

"You don't even know what I was talking ab-"

"Now!" She says.

"Pity to your kids, Amy. To have to deal with your bitchiness all the time.." he complains in a normal voice-- like he didn't care if she heard or not.

"Go to the office now, Mr. Caldwin!" She screams.

He does nothing but laughs and stands. Before moving an inch, he turns toward me and bends down so his mouth was almost touching my ear.

"We're not done here," he harshly whispers.

The chills subside as soon as he leaves the classroom.

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