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Okay So I'm Trying To Fix Something With One Of My Chapters At The Moment But It Keeps Saying "Invalid Required Permeters" And I Have No I Fucking Dea What The Hell It Means And How The Fuck To Fix It So I Don't Know What To Do! Now I Could Rewrite It But I Forgot What I Wrote, I Could Change What I Was Gonna Put In The Chapter But I Honestly Don't Wanna Do That, Now I Could Keep Going But I Would Just Keeping Finding Problems With My Ideas To Fix The Problem At Hand, So I'm At a Loss. I Don't Know What To Do And I'm Very Frustrated, So What Do You Think I Should Do?

I Could

A:Try To Remember What I Wrote


B:Change what I put

Anyway Goodbye my wonderful weridos~

I may Try Publishing The Chapter That's Not Working To See if The Things I Wrote Show Up

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