- Morning -

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I Groan As I Try To Sit Up But Get Push Back Down "You Shouldn't Move"I Hear Someone Say "Ugh" "How Do You Feel?"They Ask "Like Shit"I Answer "Well I Guess Anyone Would Feel Like That After What You Just Went Though"They Say "Where Am I?"I Ask "You Don't Need To Worry About That Dear"They Say "What The Fuck"I Yell As I Feel a Needle Go In My Arm "What Was That!"I Ask/Yell "Nothing Deary"They Say "Wh-"I Get Cut Off My a Pain In My Arm, My Eyes Get Used To The Bright Lights And I See That My Vains In My Arm Are Turning Black "What Did You Do?!"I Ask Holding My Arm As The Pain Got Worse And Worse "Nothing"They Said As My Eyesight Got Blurry And My Arm Felt Like It Was On Fire "Night Night Dear"They Giggle As I Blacked Out

*Alucards POV*
I Walked Into Y/ns Room To See Her Shaking And Whimpering In Her Sleep "Y/n?"I Ask As I Shake Her "Y/n!"I Yell And She Jumps Up Breathing Heavy "Wha-- Where Am I"She Asks "Devs Room"I Say As She Looks Around Then She Quickly Looks At Her Arm "It Felt So Real"She Mumbles "What?"I Ask And She Shakes Her Head "Nothing, Just a Bad Dream I Guess"She Says Smiling "Okay, But You Should Go to Bed"I Say As I Turn To Leave "Hey....Um Alucard.....Could You Spend The Night With Me"She Asks Looking Down At Her Hands "Sure"I Say Smiling As I Lay down Next To her "Night"She Says Laying Her Head On My Chest (MINECRAFT! Sorry Not Sorry '3') "Night"I Say Closing My Eyes


*Coughs* That Was Kinda Awkward For Me To Wright
But Anyway Sorry For Not Updating And Such (Not Gonna Waste Your Time With My Excuses Since Your Oh So Awesome And You Have To Go Be Awesome Else Where)


Oh And Sorry For Any Miss Spells *Cough Cough*

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