The Day We Met

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Bri's POV...


I walked into my 4rd grade classroom, like any other day.

But today was different.

I saw my whole class talking to this girl.

She had blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes.

I wasn't the most social, popular, skinniest or prettiest girl in my school but she was.

I got made fun of day after day.

So I'm used to it.

I walked up to the crowd of people and looked at the girl.

I heard someone say "how old are you Shyanne?"

So I'm guessing her name is Shyanne. I waddled around (because at the time I was like 200000 pounds) the people trying to look at her more.

She's was really pretty, when class started our teacher Mrs. Coates started teaching math and I think I threw a paper ball at her head, and waved, she waved back kind of hesitant. I could understand she's new.

At lunch, I walked up to her. "do you wanna sit with me?"

"Sorry, but Tara invited me to sit with them." She said.

"Oh okay."

I walked back to my table with my friend Robbi and Connor.

"I tired, but those bitches got to her first." I said.


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