A farmer's girl in the lion's den

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Claire's pov

I woke up to the sun shining in my face in a very comftroble bed. I looked around me and remembered that I still was at the castle. I was quickly taken out of my confusion as I heard a soft knock on the door. I hesitated for a bit before saying "Enter!".

An old woman with a brown dress entered the room. Her hair was dirty blonde and her skin was fair.

"Goodmorning your grace! I am Alice, your handmaiden, and I have come to get you dressed for the day". Never in my life before had I required someone to dress me, but seeing the dresses that the women were wearing at the castle... I figured I needed some help.

"Yes... I guess a little guidance into how these gowns work wouldn't be too bad of an idea", the girl smiled at my comment. "Normally I would bring you your breakfast this morning as well my grace, but the king has requested that you, him and the Queen break fast together today".

She hurried over to my curtains, drawing them open to reveal the bright morning light. "Now let's get you out of bed!", she said eagerly. I would lie if I said that I did not feel a little startled by the stern, yet kind woman. She started to take forth what seemed like a million skirts and pieces of what I could only assume to be a very heavy piece of clothing. "Now come behind the screen my dear!" I followed the woman behind the flower-clothed screen and was surprised when she stripped me of my nightgown, leaving me stark naked and cold. Soon I found myself dressed in what seemed like an endless layering of skirts, a tight corset around my torso and to top it all of, a lightly blue dress. "This is my most favourite shade of blue... what a coincidence", said I. Alice smiled at me, "It was your mother who picked it out for you". A warmth seemed to creep into my heart. Alice soon fixed my hair and placed me in front of a mirror. "Now you truly look like a princess". I had never seen myself dressed like this before. My blonde hair was partly braided at the top, letting the rest of my curls fall down my back like a waterflow. My skin was clean, not the usually muddy color it normally got from me playing with the other children in the village. "Thank you Alice, but place, call me Claire", she nodded at me and smiled.

I stood outside of the diningroom-doors, dressed and ready for the first formal breakfast with my parents. I had to take a deep, yet shaky breath before finally building up the courage to knock on the doors. They opened up before me and my eyes landed on Arthur and Gweneviere, sitting next to each other, smiling and holding hands. Merlin was standing far behind them with a can of water. He looked at me with kind eyes. It was almost as if he could sense my discomfort.

"Claire! You look lovely this morning! Come, sit", said Gweneviere. I smiled and walked timidly over to the table where Merlin pulled out a chair for me. I looked him in the eye, smiled and sat down. "Thank you, Merlin", I said. He bowed his head a little, "My pleasure your grace". "Merlin?", I said. " Yes, your grace?". "Please call me Claire again, please", he smiled. "As you wish, Claire". We both smiled as he went back to his place by the wall. Father looked shockingly at me. Almost as if seeing me was seeing a ghost each time he laid eyes upon me.

"Do you not rejoice in your title?", said Arthur. I was about to answer when Gweneviere cut in. "Arthur. Do you not recall my discomfort of being called by my title when you made me your queen? Let our daughter take things at her own pace". I smiled a little.

"When you became queen? Do you mean that you did not have a title before entering your marriage?", I said. She smiled at me. "Oh heavens no! I was a servant of your aunt, the lady Morgana". "The one who wants me dead?", a heavy silence fell. The king cleared his throat, "Yes... if there is one thing she wants more than anything in this world, it is the throne, and we in this family are standing in her way", Arthur said. "Is that why you sent me away?", I looked him dead in the eye, noticing how similar our eyes were. I had his fair skin, his blonde hair and his blue eyes. There was no denying it.

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