Growing Up // Alyssa

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Growing up.. It's something we all do. Eventually. Whether you start it when you're 13 or when you're 20. Everyone does it. And yes, it does seem like the greatest thing in the world at the time. Right? 

I mean the grass is greener on the other side. Isn't it? Maybe... Or maybe not. 

We spend our whole lives just wantng to be able to do more. To get something over with, to do something more. We never stop and realise what we already have and what we can already do. That's what we need to see. We need to see that there's all the time in the world to just stop. And breathe. 

Yeah, take that walk. Go explore, be kid. You have so much time to be a 'grown-up' later. Do all the childish things while you can. Ever since 4th grade, all I wanted was to be older. To be allowed to get dropped off places, to be trusted to make my own desicions, to go to high school (boy, was that a mistake), and to just be my own person. 

But what's wrong with being your own person when you're younger? This is what's wrong with this generation, almost everyone promotes being yourself and being 'different'. But when someone actually does it, they're judged. Does that make any sense?

You tell me to be myself and stand out. Then I do it. But you all stare at me and wonder why I even try. 

Sure, growing up is about finding out who you want to be. But isn't it fun being a kid and playing dress up? Being a different person every 10 minutes is the best part of any play date. As you grow up, you become one person. The person you're expected to be for the rest of your life. Why would you want that over being someone new all the time? I don't. 

No, none of us can stop the process of getting older. All we can do is embrace it while it lasts. Take what you have and run with it. Don't sit around waiting for something to happen to your life.. Get up and go make something happen in your life. No one has more control over your life than you, so it's all on you. 

So all this really is, is something to encourage you to go out and be a kid. Do childish things. Do something wild. Be you. And don't let this 'growing up' get the best of you. 

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