Hurt Love

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When I leave Stiles I walk around the town trying to find my way home, I get lost and end up at a store I go inside and see Allison talking with Scott worry all over her face I walk up to her.

"Allison?" I say.

"Anna!" She says smiling and hugging me.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Scott says you ran off 'cause you got mad," she says, I throw a glare at Scott.

"I didn't," I say "I went on a walk to think about some important things, but I have to go now," I say rushing out the door and find my way home.

I walk back to the house when I get there I don't hear or see anyone but I know Scott and Allison are upstairs making love.

"Scott, Allison! I'm home stop making babies," I yell with a smirk.

"Whatever!" Allison yells back, I trudge upstairs and into my room turning on the Pitch Perfect album and start singing while cleaning my room.

I hear the front door open and assume Ms.McCall is home, I open my door and I'm face to face with a gun I slowly back up and see an older guy that looks like Allison.

"Don't say a word or I will shoot," he says as a reptilian creature brushes passed him.

"Scott!" I scream he pulls the trigger and the bullet hits my leg I cry out in pain the tears streaming down my face.

Scott bursts into my room shirtless and in werewolf form a reptilian creature picks me up by its tail and starts choking me.

"Gerard! Let her go!" Scott growls.

"Not until you tell me where Derek is," he yells angrily I can feel myself slipping into an unconscious state but I fight against it.

Allison bursts in the room fully clothed (thank goodness).

"Grandpa! What are you doing let this innocent girl go!" She yells.

"No! I need the location of Derek and his minions," Gerard yells as I slip into the darkness.


"Anna? Annalise?" I hear someone calling my name, I open my eyes and my visions blurry, when my eyes adjust I see Stiles concerned face hovering just inches from mine.

"Anna?" He says.

"Stiles what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Scott told me about the incident and I came over as soon as I could," he says concerned.

"Thank you," I say sitting up.

"I love you," he says hugging me.

"I love you too," I say kissing him.

"Do you want to go on a redo date tomorrow?" Stiles asks.

"Of course," I say.

"Are you okay?" He asks, I look down at my leg thinking the gun wound is still there but all I find is a small rip in my jeans.

"Ya, but I thought..." I trail off.

"You thought?"

"Eh, it's nothing," I shrug.

Stiles stays for a few more hours holding me in his arms while we watch a movie.

"Sorry I have to go my dads expecting me home soon, " Stiles says kissing me once more before leaving.

"Bye I love you," I say.

"Love you too," he says and walks out the door I sigh and go up to my room.

A- hey Allie

AA- hey wuts up

A-nm u

AA- hangin at home

A- same can u come over

AA- ya y

A- I want to practice shooting and stuff

A- of course I love teaching people to shoot

I go upstairs and change into a white tank top with a blue crop shirt and skinny jeans and wait for Allison to get here.

The doorbell rings and I run downstairs and see Allison standing outside I open the door and invite her in.

She teaches me the basics of shooting a bow and arrows, then we move on to guns.

"Why do you want me to teach you this anyway?" Allison asks.

"Whenever you, Scott and Stiles go fight I feel like a little kid that always needs protection and I want to protect myself. I used to go shooting with my dad I think and now I just need some help learning how to shoot better," I tell her.

"I didn't know that," she says, she gives me a few more pointers then leaves by the time I'm ready for bed its midnight.

When I wake up the next morning I know something's not right, I open my eyes and all I see are trees everywhere, I look around and see Scott just as confused as I am when I try to get up every inch of me is in pain.

I look at my body and its covered in blood I look over at Scott and his expression is of pure horror

"Scott?!" I say my voice full of worry he runs over.

"Oh shit, oh shit!" He mutters over and over he looks like he's about to cry, I reach out and grab his hand.

"It's okay it's not as bad as it looks," I lie.

"No, this is all my fault, last night was the full moon I can't control myself during the full moon, I did this." he says whispering the last part.

"It's okay you can't control yourself during the full moon," I say pity in my voice.

"Can you move anything?" He asks.

"My arms," I say flailing them around I try to sit up but all there is is pain.

"Anything else?"

"No," I say sadly, he picks me up bridal style and starts walking, he hands me his phone.

"Call Stiles tell him we need the jeep and where we are," Scott instructs me.

"Okay," I say calling Stiles and telling him everything.

"I'm on my way," he says, I suddenly feel the pain and let of few tears fall.

"Anna?" Scott asks.

"Mhmm?" I say gritting my teeth.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"No, I can feel all the pain, I think the adrenalin wore off" I say clutching my side, I hear a horn honk and then I see Stiles driving toward us.

Scott opens the door and lays me in the back of the old Jeep.

"Anna, I'm really sorry," Scott says.

"I said its okay," I say wincing in pain.

"What I want to know is how Scott got you all the way to the forest and you don't remember running," Stiles says.

"Would if," I say, "Scott didn't do this and Derek did and he attacked me just to make Scott feel bad," I say.

"That's true, but that means..." Stiles starts.

"What?" I say confused.

"No Stiles it couldn't be..." Scott says smacking Stiles upside the head.

"What?" I say really confused, then it clicks, "No," I say sadly the tears streaming down my face "No, this can't be," I say sobbing.

"Stiles," Scott says smacking him again.

"I don't want to be a werewolf," I sob, we reach the hospital and Stiles takes me in.

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