Leaders and Followers

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"She's not going to follow you if she turns she'll follow me 'cause she trusts me and knows me," I hear Scott say.

"Well she'll follow me because I'm more skilled and better looking," I hear another voice say, Derek Hales' voice, my eyes snap open and I see the two men arguing over me, I clear my throat.

They look at me and then glare at each other.

"Anna if you do turn you have two options go with me or with Derek, who will you go with?" Scott asks.

"I would go with Scott because he hasn't tried to kill me, he's letting me stay at his house and he didn't kill my sister," I say, Derek glares at me when I say the last part.

"I didn't kill your sister the alphas did," Derek growls.

"Well did you tell her about the werewolves? No, you didn't she wouldn't have died if you had told her so I'm blaming you for her death," I say trying to sit up, I wince in pain and clutch my side.

"Foolish girl! I told your sister about us but she thought it would be cool to have a werewolf boyfriend!" He says stepping closer to me he raises his hand and I close my eyes and wait for impact, it doesn't come, I look and see Scott grabbing Derek's hand.

Derek punches Scott in the stomach and I flinch and watch in horror, I stand up still in pain and collapse to the ground instantly both boys are by my side.

"Let me help you," they both say.

I take one of my hands and place them in one of there's and they help me up on the bed.

"Both of you stop fighting or I'll find my own pack," I say to them.

"They won't accept you, they only accept the strongest wolves," Derek says.

"You don't know if I'm strong or not," I say angrily.

"It took me 2 years to become this strong!" Derek yells, "I doubt your that strong!"

"Derek!" Scott yells pulling Derek away from me.

"Just get out!" I yell at Derek.

"You can't tell me what to do!" He yells.

"Get the hell out of my room!" I yell, Derek storms out and a burst into tears, Scott sits next to me hugging me.

"Why? Why me? I hate this!" I cry.

"Sh you're gonna be fine, if you do turn I bet you'll be the biggest and strongest werewolf ever!" Scott says rubbing my back.

"I can't thank you enough you've done so much for me and I've done nothing I don't know how to repay you," I say wiping the tears from my face.

"Just promise me you'll always be here for me," he says.

(Back home)

"I'm do glade you're safe I thought you were a goner," Stiles says dramatically, I giggle at his silliness.

"I'm just glade I get to see you," I say with a smile.

"I'm hungry," Stiles says.

"I'll go to the store," I say taking Stiles keys and driving off before he can protest.

I walk around the store looking for food Stiles would like when I bump into someone.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry," I say helping pick up the food.

"It's okay," the girl says, "Lennox" she says offering me a hand, I shake her hand and invite her to Starbucks.

"So why are you shopping?" I ask her sipping my mocha.

"Boyfriends hungry," she says.

"Mine too," I say "Do you go to Beacon Hills High School? Because I think you're in my math class and Jackson made fun of you and you just made up a real good back," I say.

"That was me," she smiles.

We talk for a bit longer when my phone rings Stiles.

"Hello?" I say.

"ME HUNGRY GET HULK FOOD!" He yells into the phone and Lennox giggles.

"Ok I'm getting food," I say, "sorry I have to go," I say swapping numbers with her.

I go buy some bacon and chocolate and drive to Stiles house.

"I'm back!" I yell and then I hear Stiles running to me.

"Food! Food!" Stiles chants, "What did you get?"

"Bacon and chocolate," I say.

"You got the right food! I love you!" He says.

"Me too," I smile.

"What?" He says confused.

"I love me too," I smile.

"You deserve to be tickled," he says with an evil grin.

"No!" I say running away laughing.

"I know this house better than you!" Stiles calls as I hide in the coat closet, after a while I don't hear him and I come out, I look around the house not finding him.

"Stiles!" I call, no reply.

I hear the floor boards squeak somewhere in the house.

"Stiles if this is some sort of joke it's not funny," I say getting worried, I turn the corner to the living room and see Derek.

Holding a gun to Stiles head.

"Promise me you'll be apart of my pack or the boy dies," Derek growls.

"Why? Why me?" I say holding back the tears.

"I've had a friend look into the future and you become one powerful werewolf," Derek smiles.

"How do I know you're not going to kill him no matter what?" I say pocket dialing someone.

"When I promise something I tend to keep my promise," he says.

I hear a knock at the door and everyone freezes, I start moving to the door and he points the gun at me, Stiles takes the chance and hits the gun out of Derek's hands, it slides to my feet and I pick it up rushing to the door.

"Hi," I say looking face to face with Lennox I can tell something's not right, her eyes are yellow.

"You're a... Werewolf?" I say surprised.

"Ya, I could smell your wolf sent from far away and you dialed me and I knew exactly where you were headed cause Stiles is my cousin," she explains.

"Wow that's really weird," I say, I hear Derek growl.

"We had a deal!" Derek yells at Lennox.

"Ya, I know but deals are made to be broken," she shrugs.

"I said no interfering with my business," he growls.

"Well if I had known it had to do with my dork of a cousin and his girlfriend I wouldn't have helped," she says.

"Derek!" I yell "Get the hell out of my sight," I say pointing at the door, they all storm out and Lennox comes in.

She explains lots of stuff to me and then we all departs saying our good nights and leave. I get back to what is now my home and go right to sleep.

She Fell In Love (Teen Wolf Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now