|8| • Too Quickly? •

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"Relationships? Plural? That's very optimistic. There's barely even a relationship worth mentioning." I shook my head a little. "After I broke up with Will - you remember him - there was only one other guy really worth mentioning. We were together for like nine months before I found out he cheated so I broke up with him."

"That's crazy... cheating on you, that man must have had problems.."

I chuckled a little and shook my head. "He was convinced that I had problems, which - according to him - was why it was okay for him to cheat.."

"He's exactly the kind of guy why women keep saying that men are assholes... right?"

I just looked at him and didn't say anything. After a minute he seemed to catch on what my point of staying quiet was.

"Alright, I know, I cheated too, but for a completely different reason.."

I was hesitant to say something because I didn't want him to feel bad, but I just couldn't help it. "No offence, but in the end the reason is secondary, in my opinion. I'm not denying that your situation was bad, but in the end you still cheated and cheating in just as bad. No matter what the reason was.."

"But.. don't you think that cheating in a loving relationship is worse than cheating in a bad relationship?" His voice was getting quieter again.

I shook my head. "I think if you have a loving relationship you don't need to cheat."

"Well... I don't think I know what a truly loving relationship is like so.." He shrugged. "Maybe you're right.. but I don't think you know what it's like to be away from the person you love for months at a time.. even if it's not a truly loving relationship."

"That's true, I don't know what that's like.. but I'm just thinking.. you're rich. If you miss her, just ask her to visit you. If she loves you she will miss you too and won't say no to that."

"I didn't really want her to visit me...," he admitted.

"Well.. no offence but that's a huge indicator for that something is very wrong in the relationship. Which is why it's very good that you didn't marry her."

Brian sighed a little and nodded. "Yeah.. I guess it is.." He was quiet for a moment before he added something. "Do you really think I'm an asshole?"

"What?" I asked, slightly surprised where he was getting that from. "No.."

"I'm just asking that because I said something about your ex being an asshole, and you sort of hinted that I'm the same kind of person.."

"Oh.. no, no.. I know I said that, but you were right. It is different in your situation. Cheating isn't okay, and it will never be okay. But your relationship was... well, at least it seems like the circumstances were... I can understand why you did it. I don't think it was the right way of doing things, but I understand you. Does that sound better?" I asked him, looking at him with a small smile.

Brian nodded, seeming very relieved. "Yes.. that sounds much better."

"I'm glad you don't mind me being so honest with you."

"I want that, I want you to be honest with me..."

I smiled and gently rubbed his arm again. "I will be. As long as you promise to do the same. Because I have enough of lies..."

Brian nodded a little. "Yeah, me too..."

I liked hearing that. I just looked at him with a smile until he lifted his head and looked at me too, a small smile forming on his face.

"What?" He asked curiously, his smile only growing.

Shrugging, I shook my head. "Nothing.. nothing, I just like talking to you."

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