Freed X Mira san

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Author chan: [adorable... I was watching that episode just to get that picture]

Levy: you took your earbuds out you can stop that now.

Author chan: [yeah these brackets are a real pain in the ... Never mind that to type]

Wendy: oh my gosh Author chan was about to swear! 😱

Cana: she puts the whole "censored" thing in tho

Author chan: [... I won't deny it.]

Paige: you are not the person i thought you were. JK and you still can't watch Yuri on Ice it's still too gay for you. (I watch it anyway -author chan)

Author chan: [1. I'll decide wut i can and can't watch 2. Speaking of which Mrs. Kendall's coming for you for getting me into Fairy Tail in the first place 3. I REGRET NOTHING! 4. There is no four.]

Mira san: 0////0 he has a crush on Laxus I bet he doesn't even feel the same way...

Freed: *whispers* not true...

Laxus: 😭

Bickslow: aww poor boss...

Mira san: you're next you know...

Lisanna: with WHO?

Mira san: funny you should ask

Lisanna: 0////0

Bickslow: 0////0

Word count: 190 words.

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