Chapter 2

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"POLICE! OPEN UP!" I hear from the other side of the door. Shit shit shit. We have weed, we're sixteen, and we're, well I'm drunk. He's my designated driver so he kinda can't be that drunk. But still. The police coming in and crashing this is like aliens coming and taking over the world. Bad. Well not exactly because some aliens might be pretty chill. Anyways, you get the idea. I get up and try finding some perfume or cologne or something to overcome the powerful smell of weed. Andy goes over to the door to block it if they try to barge in. I find some air freshener and douse the room in it. Now it smells like flowers. I place it back in its original spot and Andy opens the door. In walks Jeremy and David, two of Andy's friends. He punches them both in the stomach. "You guys are assholes! Leave us alone." He told them. They were on the floor laughing, and they wouldn't get up to leave so Andy kicked them. "I said, LEAVE!" He yelled. They got up and walked out of the door shutting it behind them. Well at least they have some brains as to shut the fucking door.

I go back over and sit back down. The bowls done and we're stoned so we just sit there. I can see him out of the corner of my eye staring at me. "What?" I ask nonchalantly not look up from my phone. "Nothing." He tells me. I'm sure his face is red by now seeing as he knows why I said what. "It's not nothing." I say. "You were staring at me, with huge eyes and an even bigger heart." I mock. He laughs, "Yeah well you're a really hot chick. Sorry if I can't help but to stare." I love how blunt he is. Just rips the band-aid off. Not even caring about the pain it may conflict. I see his hand sliding closer to mine. The one not on my phone of course. I let him hold my hand. What could it hurt to let some boy hold my hand? It's not like I'm gonna fall in love, or get an STD or be impregnated. I feel his hand wrap around mine and it's soft and warm. I like the feeling.

I've never had a relationship before so I've never had sex, or my first kiss, I've never even hugged a guy other than my father. That was before he left when I was only 18 months old. Thanks alot dad. You know, for nothing. This feels nice though. Like it's the right thing. Like he's the right guy. As if I would even know what that felt like. Like I said, never been with anyone. Never loved anyone, not even my mother. She's a drunk abusive bitch. Wants to tell me I'm stupid and shouldn't be in a regular school. That I look fat and ugly. I only weigh like 100 pounds you dumb bitch. Anyways, back to me and Andy.

I look over and Andy has like this surprised expression on his face like, "oh my god am I really holding her hand" face. It was adorable. I mean yeah he held my hand before but that was just to lead me somewhere. At that moment an idea pops into my head. A good one at that. "Hey do you wanna go back to my house to get away from all these assholes?" I ask. "My mom isn't home and it's really boring alone there anyways." He nods "Sure, why not." So we get up and walk outside after he says bye to all his buddies and hits David and Jeremy a few more times for their little stunt earlier. Then he comes out and shows me to his car. I hop in the passenger seat and he the drivers. As he turns the engine over I start to wonder if he really likes me. Or if it's all just some big comedy act that I'm gonna get hurt from.

On the way to my place I'm really quiet, he just sings to songs he knows on the radio. His voice is like an angels. But better. I would kill to have a voice like his. I mean not exactly like his, because it's so fucking deep, but a good voice. At least one that's better than what I have now. About three quarters of our way there I decide to speak up on the question.

"Hey Andy?" I ask and he looks at me for a quick second before returning his attention back on the road. "I was just wondering, I mean it seems a lot like you like me and I'll admit I kinda like you. I was just wondering if it's all just an act. If you just wanna string me along and then break me down. Is it real?" I asked. Relieved when I ask. He looks at me again for a second and I can see the worry in his eyes. "Honestly Ju, yeah I like you. Allot actually. I've honestly liked you since the eighth grade." He laughs a little at himself. "I just..." He sighs, "Skye's got me wrapped around her finger. I do something, even the tiniest thing, and she flips shit. Fuck it's so annoying. I've tried to break up with her but she just asks me why and so I tell her and then she begs me to stay. She says she'll kill herself if I don't. So I do. I just don't know what to do."

He looks more to his left than before trying to hide his face, but I can see him in the door mirror. "Listen Juliet. I'm really sorry for going on and on. I mean, I start talking about the son of a bitch and just keep going. That's how much she's getting to me. But I really do like you. A lot. So don't think I don't, please." I nod and grab his hand from the steering wheel. "It's fine. I'm here for you. If you ever need anyone, you know where to find me." I wink at him and find that we're on my street. I point to my house and start to speak really fast. "Right there. Right there that's my house. Stop!" I yell so he doesn't ram into my garage door. He laughs as he pulls into my driveway. And doesn't stop until we get in the house. I can't help but look at him like he's a psychopath cause he definitely is. "Im sorry." He tells me. "It's just how much you distrust my driving. I find it funny. You're not dead are you?" He asks and I shake my head. "Then my driving is fine. Chill out." He pokes my nose.

Up in my room I sit on my bed, up at the top, and he sits on my floor right next to me, almost. He has a lot of respect. I respect that. I would've never expected so though. I pull out my cigarettes. I take two out and throw one at him. He catches it for a split second then it drops to the floor. I laugh at his clumsiness. I light my cigarette and hand him the lighter to light his own. He takes a few drags and I just sit there and stare at my mirror. Specifically at the picture of me and my mother, back when she wasn't a drunk bitch. When I was around four or five. I had a beautiful dress on as did she, we were laughing. She was actually laughing. We were holding hands, probably because of how young I was. Her smile was so beautiful. I wonder what it looks like now. Does she even have a smile? I wonder. I miss that her. I would do anything for her to come back.

I hear the downstairs door open and a bottle crash. My mother's home. I have to go help her upstairs so she doesn't kill herself trying to get to her room. "I'll be right back. Just stay here please." I tell Andy. He nods and continues smoking his cigarette. I put mine out carefully so there's still a butt, then continue downstairs. "Mom! Is that you?" I ask as I walk down the steep stairs. I walk into the living room and there she is. With a guy. He seems sober enough to bring her upstairs so I just go and get a Seagram from the fridge. I grab a beer for Andy as well. As I go to run back upstairs my mother calls for me. "Juliet!" She yells. "I want you
To meet someone." I put the bottles down on the step and go to see her. He has his arm draped around her and is whispering in her ear. She's giggling at his words. "This is Frank." She tells me. I walk over and shake his hand. "I'm Juliet. Nice to meet you." I tell him. He nods. "I know, your mother wouldn't stop talking about you since the moment we met." He smiles at me and I smile back. "Okay well, I have a friend upstairs so I gotta go. Love you mom." I turn around and go to run upstairs. I make it this time but almost forget the bottles.

I open my door and find Andy on the floor falling asleep. I nudge him softly and he looks up at me. "Get up on the bed. I'll sleep down here." I tell him. He just shakes his head. "You're not sleeping on the floor." He tells me and I laugh at how adorable he is. "Fine we'll both sleep in the bed. But you're not sleeping on the floor either. Just saying." I tell him and he nods a quick nod before standing and climbing into bed. I climb in next to him fully clothed unlike most nights, and start to dose off. Right before I fall completely asleep I feel his arm reach over and hold me. That's when I fall asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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