Chapter 1

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"I'm going to die tonight and it's all your fucking fault!" I yell at Nick as I try to jump.out of his truck without hurting myself. I succeed. It was surprised seeing as his truck is about two feet off the ground and my heels are four inches high. "Mostly because of that damn truck." I add to my argument of dying. He just laughs at me as we meet at the front of his truck. He placed an arm around my shoulder and we walk into the loud ass house. I just walked in and I already have a huge headache. Not from the music but from these fucking drama filled assholes. Why in the actual fuck did I agree to this?

"Drinks!" I command over the music. Nick heard me and leads me to the kitchen which is even more crowded than the front room. What the fuck. "Can you make me something sweet?" I ask the guy that's standing at the bar. He nods and whips something up. As he hands it to me I can smell it, and holy shit does it smell sweet. Nick holds a can in front of me and tells me"Try this." I do as told and instantly I gag. "Ew, what in the actual fuck is that?" I ask as he's practically rolling on the floor laughing. "It's beer you dimbo." He tells me and I feel my face redden. How could I have not know that? God, I feel so stupid.

After a while I need a smoke so I make my way down a hallway to some room. There's a loveseat and a few ashtrays around the empty room. And thank God that it's empty. I really hate people. I wonder if I can get some dope while I'm here.

I sit down on the couch and pull out my pack. I open it and pull out a cigarette and my lighter. I place a cig between my lips before taking my lighter and lighting it. Ahhh nicotine. Makes me feel so much better. The only light in the room is the surprising eight o'clock light coming from the window. I decide to get up and turn on a lamp or an over head light. I find a lamp in a far corner of the room and turn it on. That makes me feel less claustrophobic.

As I go back to sit back down on the sofa I hear the door open. I look up expecting to find Nick, but instead I find myself face to face with my favorite person in the whole world. Andy fucking Biersack. He chuckles and sits next to me. "Sup pretty lady?" He asks as I give him my cigarette so he can take a few drags. I shrug my shoulders "Bored honestly." A deep laugh comes from his chest, followed by his deep baritone voice. "Awwe, is your boyfriend Nick not here?" Okay now this is awkward. I didn't know anyone actually thought me and gay boy were a thing. "He's gay." I laugh.
He laughs. "Well you sure make it look like he's straight. But I guess any guy that doesn't actually want you must be pretty in love with dick." I smile at his comment and take my cigarette back.

"You wanna dance with me and shit tonight?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders while I take one last drag and put it out. "Sure why not. I will warn you now though, I haven't the slightest idea how to dance." He laughs. "I'll teach ya Hun."

As we get up to go out and dance, he grabs my hand. While we walk people look at us with the dirtiest of looks. The emo girl and the quarterback. What a weird couple. Although he does dress and wear his hair like an emo. We get to the "dance floor" and he chuckles as I start to flail around. I laugh to when he places his hand on my shoulder to stop me. "Here," he said as he placed his hand on my hips. "Move your ass to the rhythm. Then move the rest of your body to your ass. It's easy. For me not so easy, but for you easy." I try to do as he said but I keep messing up and can't stop laughing at myself. "I suck!" I tell him. He gives me a look "I like a girl who sucks." He jokes and winks at me. I can't stop laughing at this.

After a while of trying to dance we go to the kitchen to get a few drinks. I get the same thing I had earlier and he gets a beer. "Those things are disgusting." I tell him and he laughs. "Yeah I saw your whole episode." He says referring to my incident with Nick. I look around joking around, "Shh! I don't want anyone to know that I'm TV famous yet. Don't speak about that episode." My plan works. He laughs. I love his smile though. It's so adorable. "I like your dress by the way." He tells me and I twirl. "Why thank you." I tell him in a very horrible British accent. He laughs. Most likely at the accent.

"JULIET!" I hear Nick through the crowd of people. I look for him and eventually my eyes meet his and he's rushing towards me. "Hey listen, I found this guy and he's really ho- oh hey Andy. Well anyways, he's really hot. I really wanna take him home. Would you by any chance be able to find another ride home?" I look over at Andy and he nods a smirk forming on his lips. I nod at Nick and he squeals. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He yells and everyone looks in our directions. I flip em all off. "Fucking nosey assholes." I whisper to myself and hear Andy chuckle. "Feisty. Huh." I hear him mumble.

We go back and dance for an hour or so more and I finally got some moves down. He follows me and I follow the music. He keeps looking at me in surprise when I do something new like a twirl. Maybe it's because I'm not usually this giddy. I don't even know what's up with me. Maybe it's because he's the one taking me home. Because I came with a gay guy and I'm going home, well a straight hot guy is driving me home. I'm not going home with him, although I am having thoughts about it. I can feel people watching us as we dance in harmony to the rhythm of the music. I can hear their laughs and whispers. I don't care. They're just bitches. They're annoying. They aren't here with the hottest, baddest boy in school. I am. Hah bitches, I win. You can fuck off now.

As the party starts to die down I look for someone who may have some weed on them. I need that shit. I haven't had it in months and I just really want some. I know it's not addictive so I won't try and argue science, but I really do want some. "Hey, I want some pot." I tell Andy and he nods, then leaves me in the crowd. I stay there, still dancing. I'm not just gonna stand there. That's boring as fuck. I ignore the people around me obviously talking shit I pull out a cigarette and my lighter and start to smoke. I take a few drags and that's when I spot Andy coming back. He's holding a little baggy too, with a bowl. He holds them chest high when he reaches me. "Look what I got." He smirks. I follow him to the room we met up in.

We shut the door behind us and lock it. We sit down in the exact spots as before and he starts to grind the weed. Always prepared I guess. He packs the bowl then hands it over to me. "Ladies first." He said. I laugh. "Such a gentleman." I joke. He chuckles this time. I take the bowl and hold it between my lips before bringing the lighter to the opening and igniting it. I hold it there for a few seconds while I breathe in the drug. I inhale a lot then exhale what seems like even more. I hand the bowl over to him as I cough. He takes it from me and takes a hit. Then another. I take the bowl back from him and take a couple hits before giving it back. We keeps doing this for just about fifteen minutes. Then there's a knock on the door.

"POLICE OPEN UP!" Is what I hear from the other side of the door. I look at Andy in shock and he does the same to me. Fuck.


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