Her naughtiness

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Well yashika the girl who is considered shy nd cute may become naughty when she likes nd whenever she wants. Sometimes she even cause too much problem for her mother like make her mom unable to sleep at night bcoz once she was put down from her mothers lap she starts to cry a lot nd due to this reason her mother was unable to complete her sleep properly.

She likes to play a lot nd she even sometimes if dont like any thing she becomes crazy even in her childhood. She have many cousins both from her mother side nd father side too. but she enjoys much with her mothers side cousins as they were very joyful nd helps her a lot.

She also used to play with her cousins from her fathers side too. In childhood she was attached by her cousin named robin so much that she always wants to go to school with him. When she starts attending school it happens that her school timings were of afternoon nd her cousin named robin was of morning nd when his time of going back to home  that was the same time of her schhol arrival. Due to this she got ill nd dont want to go school. Once she saw her cousin at school on his time of going back to school she starts to cry so much nd came back to home with him without attending school ; due to which she was being scolded by her mother.

Once she was slapped by her grandmother bcoz she bites her same cousin ame Robin too hard that blood came from that place. She cry so much nd even also scold by everyone.

To becontinued..........

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