Chapter 9

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"How could you?" Darcy yelled at Darryl at the top of her lungs as she stormed into his office. She was furious when Percy had told her everything and immediately left to give him hell for what he did and to take her friend back with her. How dare he lock her up like an animal?

Darryl sat in his chair staring into nothingness. Darcy clenched her fists when he did not answer and she felt ready to punch him. Instead she slammed her hand hard down on the desk, earning a deathly glare from him, but she did not care. "Answer me! How could you lock her up here like an animal?"

Darryl leapt up from his chair. "I saved her from those wolves and gave her a safe place to stay, but from the start she has been resistant and trying to leave. What do you think might happen if she were to tell someone about this place?"

"Well what were you expecting? That she was just going to accept being kidnapped and locked up, and then obey? If you lock a wild panther in a cage it is going to lash out and try its best to be free again." she told him bitterly. "I have known her for twelve years, and I know that if you had explained the situation to her the moment you got her out of the valley, she would have come here willingly. You've never done it this way before."

"Well I didn't know that. I was so captivated by her that I didn't think and I just took her."

Darcy shook her head in disbelief at Darryl. "Well I'm taking her with me, where is she?"

He turned away from her to gaze out the window. "She's gone."

"What do you mean she gone?"

"I told her that if she wanted to leave so badly then she should go and she left."

Darcy gaped at his words. She could not believe it. "Which way did she go?"

"I don't know." He said and Darcy felt Percy leave behind her. "She ran upstairs and shortly afterwards she ran out the front door. I didn't look where she went."

Percy popped back into the office, panting slightly. "Her tracks go east." He said and Darcy was filled with horror at the realisation.

If Alex headed east she would run straight into danger for the eastern edge of the territory was filled with unknown dangers and no one ventured there. "You have to go get her!" she pleaded. "She'll run straight into danger."

Darryl and Percy suddenly remembered about the danger and they both bolted out the door.

They followed her tracks for a good long while but when the tracks disappeared they split up in order to cover more ground.


Alex wasn't sure where she was heading, she hadn't explored much to this side but her instinct made her go this way. She left most of her weapons and her pack at the house. She only left wearing her leather clothes and her hood and she stuck a few throwing knives into the compartments in her boots, she would ask Darcy to bring the rest to her once she reached a town.

She had made a few hours before she heard something behind her. She flattened herself against a tree and steadied her breathing. Carefully, she peeked around the tree. About seventy metres behind her moved a figure through the trees. It was Darryl she recognised, causing her to scowl in anger.

Not this time, she decided and quietly turned and climbed the tree she was hiding behind.


Darryl had found her trail after a while and shifted into wolf form to better track her. He knew he was close now but he neither saw nor heard anything. She must have figured out he was following her. He shifted back into human form and crept forward, his eyes darting between the trees for a sign.

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