Chapter Nine

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Jack's Point of View

I asked Nico, "Is there any way that I can at least get bits and pieces of my old life into my memory? I seem to have forgotten most of it."

Nico tensed. "You are a regeneration. It is quite weird how you were able to remember me in the Casino. And you remembered with such vivid detail. I'm surprised you even remembered my face!"

"Look, Nico. I honestly don't know how I remembered that. To be honest, I don't know who I am or how I died or anything!" I said. "Help me. Please."

"Well, my sister Hazel might be able to help you with that. It's just that she's in this Roman camp and—" Nico froze, like he had mentioned something he wasn't supposed to. He cursed himself.

"Yeah, I've heard about that. Leo and the rest of Bunker 9 or something were building this ship, the Argo II or something." I responded.

Nico scratched his chin. "Wait. If you aren't a demigod, how did you get past the barriers of Camp Half Blood?" 

"I don't know! I mean, I've been there, but I didn't even know that it had like a barrier or something!" I responded.

"Who's your Godly parent?" Nico asked.

"I— I don't know," I stuttered. "All I remember is that when I was a baby, my father left me."

"Great. We know that your Godly parent is a man. That takes away half of the Gods to choose from," Nico shook his head. "Do you remember anything else from your old life?"

"No, only bits and pieces. Sometimes, it just comes back. I don't know how," I slumped. 

Great. Now I know I'm a demigod. Does this make my life easier? Who is my father? Why did he leave me? Did he hate me? I wanted answers, and I wanted them now.

Nico looked at my face and laughed. "I know. I was mad at my dad when he left me. But all the gods do it. I don't know why. It's for protection or something," he said.

I burst out laughing... PROTECTION! hAHAHAHAHA! Shut up, Jack! What is WRONG with you. I shut up immediately.

I noticed that Nico was looking at me weirdly.

"Nothing. Just a funny memory," I forced a smile. He seemed to buy it. 

But I'm serious now. Who is my father? I'm really mad at him. Why did he leave me? He gave my mom so much hardship! And she had to re-marry someone horrible and— uGHHH whoever my dad is, he could have at least shown up ONCE in my life!

As Nico and I were walking through the cemetery, I saw the moon. It was glowing so brightly. My gut tugged me towards the big ball of light. Something inside me told me that the moon was the reason for my existence. Really? That's stupid. My brain thinks the weirdest things...

After a few minutes of walking, Nico stopped. "Well, Jack. It was, um, nice meeting you."

"You too," I simply responded.

"And— I hope you find out who your godly father is," Nico added.

The two of us parted ways, with Nico going his way, and me going mine.

What if Hades was my godly parent? I mean, it makes total sense. I've been dead before. I'm really mysterious. But then again, I wouldn't know. What if there was a God of snow? Nah. That's impossible.

I remembered my mom telling me stories about my dad. It hurt me every time I would think of him. Yeah, sure. Mom was great. But my life felt incomplete without Dad.

While I was walking, I saw a young man approaching me casually, like he knew me or something. Wait a sec... Is that... DAN FREAKING HOWELL?!! My face was white; well, it was whiter than usual.

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