40: Epilogue

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Wow guys...30+ Votes in less than 24hours?! I never expected that! Thank you everyone, I love you guys so so much! Sorry for not updating earlier, got busy with work.

Dedicated to: anweshapatel

Chapter 40 (Epilogue):

"You deserve this for leaving us like this! Dare you do something like that again!" Aarav said as he locked Kathy in her room at her parents' house.

"Aarav open the door! I said I'm sorry, I won't do this again...open the damned door!" she yelled as she kept on banging the door.

"You won't be able to leave now, even if you try...we won't open this door!" Mona laughed.

"That's for keeping us in dark and running away from your problems!" Monish added.

"Pay for your sins girl!" Raj said dramatically, making Kathy roll her eyes.

"What do you think you're doing over here Ronnie? We'd get back at you too for not telling us about her!" Suzie said. Kathy smiled on hearing his name.

"Dare you try to open the door Ronnie?" Vinnie warned and pushed Ronnie away from the door. They began pushing each other and tried to reach the door.

"Get lost everyone, top troubling my princess! Leave her alone or rather leave her with me!" Ronnie yelled, making everyone laugh. He took that opportunity to break in and walked in to her room.

"You alright? Did these monsters hurt you by anyways?" he asked her as soon as he got in. His forehead had faint lines of worry, his eyes searching hers and looking for anything wrong as his hands cupped her face. Kathy rolled her eyes at him and pushed him back at an arm's length.

"Geez, they are only fooling around. I'm not hurt at all Ronnie! Stop acting like a possessive psycho lover!" she laughed at him. He shrugged and then snaked one of his hands around her waist and pulled her closer as he left trials of kisses along her jaw, side of her neck to down her throat making her moan.

"Guys stop making out in front of us...seeing my sister like best friend making out with her would be husband makes me want to punch the wall!" Raj said as he covered Mona and Suzie's eyes with his hands.

"Punch the wall?" Kathy asked him.

"Yeah, I can't punch him...h-he'll be your husband!" he said sheepishly; Kathy rushed towards him and pinched his cheeks affectionately.

"You're so cute!" she laughed.

"Stop doing that girl!" he growled as he pushed her away from him.

"Aww...I missed you guys so much! Anyone up for a group hug?" she asked all of them and in no time they were hugging and pulling each other closer as they stood in a circle.

"Don't we get to hug you too?" Kathy's dad said as he looked at them from the door. Mrs. Shenoy stood beside him, her eyes glazed seeing her daughter once again.

"Mom! Dad!" she squealed and rushed towards them like a small child and hugged them tightly.

"I missed you both!" she cried, still hugging them.

"Promise us you won't ever do something like that again! No matter how wrong things get, we want you to know that we'll always be there for you!" her dad told her sternly. Ronnie smiled when he saw all of them getting emotional because of that one silly stupid girl who'd turned his life upside down-in a good way!

"I won't ever runaway like that, I promise!" she promised them and kissed both her parents on the cheek.

"So, about the wedding- how do you want this to be? Bollywood style?" Vinnie asked after a while.

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