A Little Chance Encounter Could Be The One You're Looking For

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I don't know why I asked, or why I was so shocked that Sebastian was right next to me. The clues were obvious, no one else knew our little tunes, and it was quite obviously him. He was wearing a white button-down shirt and a black bowtie and suspenders. It was very classic, I mean, what else would you expect from him? He was wearing an amused expression as he watched my reaction. It was Seb. My Seb. Right there, and he-wait. Was he just flirting with me? It was a lot to comprehend, and I felt myself starting to blush.

"Miss me?" He smiled as he stood up and offered me his hand.

"A lot more than I would like to admit." I took his hand as I stood up and looked down, trying to hide the red creeping across my face.

"Lost your car again?" Seb smiled as he looked at me and then at the my bags.

"No, no," I replied, flustered. "I went for a run, but I guess I got a little distracted."

"So you don't have your car on you."

"No, but I walked here from The Grove, so I think I'll be able to head back."

"Well," Sebastian checked his watch. "It's around seven right now. Have you eaten yet."

I didn't really want to tell him I had, but I guess I ate that burger around three hours ago. Maybe he was trying to ask me out. Either way, my stomach was fluttering as I glanced up at him.

"Well I had a quick snack earlier," I let my voice trail off, hoping he'd understand.

"Great! I'm heading over to Seb's right now. I can give you a ride, unless you have plans or anything." He looked so happy, and he already started picking up some of the bags.

"No plans, and going to Seb's would be great."

I picked up the last couple bags as I followed him to his car. Normal people wouldn't see it, but he had a happiness radiating off of him, and it made my heart warm to see him like this. A little part of me knew that if we'd stayed together, we probably would've broken up earlier. We walked to his car in silence, sending little smiles to each other. He was so damn cute, I couldn't help but smile like an idiot as he opened the door to the passenger side for me and took my bags to put in the trunk.

Thank God I'll be able to go to Seb's without Chet, I thought as I yanked on the broken seatbelt.

"Hmm?" Seb plopped down in the driver's seat and began to violently make his way out of his poorly parallel parked spot. "Who's Chet?"

"What?" Shit, I said that out loud didn't I.

Seb raised an accusing eyebrow at me as he stepped on the gas pedal. "You said something about Seb's and Chet."

"Oh that," I looked out the "window" as I tried to lesson my blush. "Um, that's me ex-husband. Y'know, the guy who you," I gulped. "The guy I was with when I first went to Seb's."

"Oh," Seb tapped his hands on the steering wheel as he impatiently waited for a red light to pass. "Tell me 'bout him. Did you really," he gulped, "love him?"

"What? No, not at all now that I think about it. I mean, he was my publicity agent, I'm sure you've heard of him, Chet Armstrong?"

Seb's eyes widened as he looked at me while slamming on the brake, not bothering to look back up at the road. "Yeah, isn't that the dude Mia Dolan used to be married to?"

I laughed and looked up at him. "Have you been living under a rock?" I joked as I lightly pushed him on the shoulder.

He shrugged. "Thanks for bringing me out then, I guess."

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