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-------------BEYONCÉ'S P.o.V--------------

I packed my bag and took my gun

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I packed my bag and took my gun. Bruno was behind me loading our guns. I watched every single move he did. A phone ring woke me up from daydreaming.

"Pick up", Bruno said, still concentrated in packing the bags.

I went to the table and picked my phone up. Bills name popped up on my screen. Bill was a 40 year old man. He's very serious when it comes to a mission.

Bill always wears his black suit with his around 100 000 dollar watch on his right wrist. He had a 3-day-beard but still looks young. His white hair from getting old mixed with his black hair made it look kinda grey but he looked good with his hair. Bill is married and has 3 kids with his wife Jamie. She's kind and beautiful. Bill is very loyal, he never leaves her side. No matter what tries to pull them apart.

Bills voice cracked and worry filled the whole room.

"Hurry up where are you?? Jake broke into the apartment. The hotel is just across the street to brooklyn."

"We're on our way sir."

Bill endet the call. Bruno handed me my gun and placed his hand on my cheek. Our eyes met. His eyes were shiny and I could look at him all day if he'd let me. But it just wasn't the right time.

"Bey. Do what I say and everything will be fine."

Bruno gave me a quick kiss before he removed his hands from my cheek and picked up the bags.
Bruno headed to the car while I locked the door and then ran after him. I got in the car and hid the keys under my seat. We had to hide the keys everytime we got out because people know us and they know we are hiding things. We are criminals. But not in a bad way. Our key was more than just a key.

It was the key to our safe or to our secret room in the basement. We would've been behind bars if anyone knew who we really are.

Bruno joined our gang three years ago. Including Abel. He's the leader of the whole gang. Bill is actually the Boss. Abel only the leader. Everybody listens to Bill. We are about 15-20 gang members.
We don't really have a gang name but the police calls us hooligans. We don't have one because we don't want to clear our names.

Me and Bruno sat in silence while he was driving. He was focused on the road but I locked my eyes on him instead of thinking what to do next. I'd take a bullet for him to keep him safe. We've been together since we met in the gang. Me and him went through the darkest and the brightest times. And I know he thinks the same for me.

When Bruno parked the car we got out and ran into the hotel. The fastest way to the 10th floor was the elevator.

"Fuck." Bruno formed his hands into a fist.

The elevator was in the 16th floor.

"Bey. You stay here and use the elevator. I'm using the stairs."

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