Colonia Intensa

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Acqua di Parma Colonia Intensa, the last time I smelt luxury this perfect was on my dad. I wanted to lick his neck. We hugged for what seemed like an eternity to me. He let go and said "I finally get to meet the woman that reformed a player, you're the real MVP!". He looks at his nephew and smiles so wide I swear he almost looked like the Joker. I shake that thought cause I look him up and down again, he is too perfect to even remotely look like the joker. "I am older by about 4 years". My husband said, "No wonder he looks more like your little brother". That makes him 31. His British accent sounded like sex on a water bed, he was tall, slim with the right amount of buff.. Sweet hazel eyes, gold skin and pink lips, beard for heavenly days. I had already pictured his golden cock and pink tip. But that's just me.
We ate and had a lovely lunch then retired t9 the living room. The way hot uncle keeps stealing glances is kind of endearing. The uncle that dated actresses and models was checking me out..... I think. "I have to collect a package from a friend, please make yourself at home. Shower, settle in, take a nap, please whatever you need my wife will cater to you. I will be back shortly". My husbands voice brought me out of my reverie. So annoying, as always. I flip the channel as he leaves to settle in leaving a trail of intense intensa in his wake. I really wanna fuck his brains out. Judging by his everything, he will eat pussy like a pro. This is just my luck, get fucking stuck with the sexy smelling hunk of an uncle. Why do bad things happen to good people?

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