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"Kate, are you sure you can do this? Aren't we asking too much of you already?" Rosie asked.

"It's okay, Rosie. It's the least that I can do for my big sister," Kate smiled.

Kate Pikes is the one and only sister of Rosie Pikes, an award-winning actress. She's getting married to Robert Pearce, an A-list director in Hollywood. When Kate knew that those two are getting married, she quickly offered to design and make her sister's wedding gown. She's a fashion designer, after all, and it's been her biggest dream to design a wedding dress for herself or for her sister.

"Thank you, Kate. Really. It means so much to me," Rosie said. She stood up from the chair she's sitting and hugged her. Kate returned the gesture and hugged her back.

"When this gown is already made, I swear you'll be the most beautiful bride the world has ever seen. I assure you that," Kate said.

"Of course, I'll be. Thanks to your gown," Rosie winked at her and she chuckled.

Suddenly, Rosie's phone rang. She looked at the screen first before finally answering the phone call. Rosie walked out of the room while talking someone on the phone. Kate continued drawing her sister's gown on a bond paper as she waited for her sister to come back. Not long after, Rosie walked in and slumped herself in the nearest chair.

"Who was it?"

"It was Syed, the wedding planner. He just reminded me that the engagement party's tonight and I can't believe I almost forgot about it. I thought being married with someone you love would be a stress-free life!" She blabbered without even stopping. Kate only smiled at herself.

"It is what it is, Rosie." She chuckled. She heard her sigh for the nth time today. She can't help wondering how stressful it is to be a bride. Her sister is not a bridezilla, she's just so exhausted switching her time from acting, promoting her upcoming film and planning a wedding.

"What's Robert's role in all this? What's he doing?" Kate can't help but ask. Again, she heard another sigh from her sister.

"You know Robert. He loves a good party but never in his life would he make one. Let alone help creating one." She answered.

"This is his wedding too. You should make him help a little at least. If you want to, I could talk to him," Kate offered but Rosie quickly turned it down.

"As much as I want you to, you can't. He's busy. He's still wrapping up some things on set. He promised he would help once it's done but I'm not keeping my hopes up." Rosie explained. Kate nod.

"Anyways, I gotta go. I still need to look for a dress later for the party. Will you be alright on your own?" She asked.

"Of course. You know what, don't worry about your dress for later. I have some dresses at my closet that I've just finished. No one's worn it yet." She offered.

"Okay. Thank you so much, Kate! I owe you big time." She winked before closing the door.


"Kate, where are you? The party's started and I need you here by my side. I can't do this alone." Rosie shouted over the phone. Kate covered her ears but she just kept on shouting.

"Rosie, calm down. I'm on my way. Traffic's bad but I'll be there in five." Kate assured her sister.

"Well, you better be. Or you're dead." Finally, her sister hung up.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, twenty-five minutes has gone by but she's still stuck in traffic. She's getting worried now. She unknowingly bit her nails as her heart beated faster.

"I'm sorry, sir, but can't you take a shortcut? I just really need to be there ASAP." Kate plead the driver but to no avail.

"Sorry, miss. But we can't. We already missed it minutes ago." He politely answered.

She muttered a curse under her breath. She texted her sister that she would be later than expected. Suddenly, the buildings became familiar and she knew that the venue is not far from where she is. She paid the driver, got out of the taxi and started walking.

She could feel that the people around her are staring but she didn't mind them. She's late and she needs to be at her sister's engagement party right away. She walked further more and there it is, The Ashwood London.

There was a queu for the media and paparazzi and there's another one for the invited guests. She reached inside her bag to get the invitation card her sister gave her earlier this morning.

When she was already second on the line, she suddenly heard a man cursing under his breath from behind her.

"What an unorganized party this is." The man said. He checked his watch but groaned when he saw the time. All the time, Kate is quietly observing the man. He looks familiar but she couldn't figure out where she has seen him. He could be one of her sister's famous friend or a colleague of Robert's.

She gave her invitation card to the man on the door and entered the building. As soon as she went inside, she couldn't bealieve where she was.

The place looks magical. It's like a place out of a fairytale. The ceiling is painted black but there are tiny lights twinkling like stars that illuminated the place. There was a faux pond fish with a small bridge at the corner. The grand chandelier is not to be missed as it accentuated everything. Everything was twinkling, even the tables and chairs.

Now, Kate was never a fan of fairytales, but seeing it all come to life makes her want to wish she could have a magical wedding like her sister's. She was completely amazed with what Syed did to the place.

"Kate! There you are!" Kate turned her head and saw her sister walking towards her. Instead of looking like a princess, her sister looked like an evil stepmother with that angry look on her face.

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?" She exclaimed. People nearby glanced their way and Kate felt embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. The traffic is so-"

"Hello, Rosie. Have you seen Robert?"

A man unknowingly interrupted the sisters' soon-to-be arguement. Kate's eyes widened, for it is the man who's been complaining behind him. He doesn't seem to recognise Kate and for her, that's a good thing.

"Benedict! How have you been? Yes, Robert's over there by the bar. He's been looking for you, actually." Rosie charmingly said. Kate noticed that her sister's mood changed all of a sudden. A minute ago, she was a dragon scorching fire but now that the man appeared beside them, she's as calm as the lake.

'He might be someone important.' Kate thought.

"I'll just go and talk to him. I'm sorry I was late. The traffic is so congested." The man explained.

"No, it's okay. No harm done, Benedict. If you want, I can accompany you to where he is." Rosie offered. The man murmured a sure and they were off together.

In her mind, Kate doesn't want to follow them. But her sister sensed what she was thinking. She stopped walking, making the man halt as well. Rosie turned to her sister and said:

"Aren't you coming, Kate?" She asked.

The man looked at him, clearly waiting for her answer. She wanted to say no, but Rosie had her cornered. The man shook his head and it is evident on his face that he is growing impatient by the minute. Kate sighed and started marching. Rosie had a triumphant smile, while her sister has a smug on her face.

'Well, this is going to be a long night.' She thought.

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